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Randy, wants everyone to understand the Vision, the Opportunity and Timing is huge here with TelexFree. We can't have perfection…but we can have a company that pays us weekly.

Company started off in January 2012 with 0 promoters…and as of now there are 1 MILLION promoters in TelexFree.

That is phenomenal!!!

This is not a money game or an investment.

We have the ability to earn not just weekly but daily.

2 days ago A brand new service was launched…Telexcommerce…there will be a special call with people from Corporate to talk about the service..sometime next week. Still waiting on the details for that call. …

We are part of an opportunity that does not depend on someone saying Yes or No!! How powerful is that?!! Company has spread over 63 different countries … and we are the fastest growing company out there.

Randy had the opportunity today to speak with the Realtor here in the U.S because the company is getting ready to purchase a building to handle the massive growth the company is seeing. TelexFree went from 0 promoters to 400,000 by December 2012 900,000 promoters ..just in Brazil..and less than 5,000 in the U.S….all in a 15 months span!! amazing!

People's lives are changing in Brazil..people are buying their dream cars and homes..See … in Brazil, people have to wait four days before they get put in the system..but they are patient because they see the vision and they understand the opportunity they have. Here in the UGANDA we are at the beginning stages still. Company is building a system that will calculate everything accurately and still upgrading servers and additional systems to track massive growth. …. Overall the message on the call is for everyone to be PATIENT!! It's not going to be perfect. There will be hiccups here and there. Your upline is not the company. They are here to assist you as best as they can. The company knows what they are going to be doing and what they will be adding to benefit all of us.

They have a vision and there are things that will come to pass.. TelexFree is building over the world. Patience is the key!! ..Darcy came on the call:: I am a firm believer in helping others and leading by example. You put in the hours now in the beginning and it will pay off in the long run. Lot's of families lives are changing..Thank you to all the leaders behind the scenes who are not on the calls or can't always make it on the calls…But they are working their business and helping their team which helps me out as well. So big thanks to ALL LEADERS out there. ….Not everything is perfect, but we are in the right company to be in!!! .

Contact us:

Visit : Our office in wandegeya University plaza room A19



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