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{UAH} Beverly Osu Continue To Receive The Fingering and Forkering

Beverly Osu Continue To Receive The Fingering and Forkering

OUTCASTS OF BIG BROTHEL AFRICA: All hail the queen of Delta State. Roll out the drums and the red carpet for the most anticipated heroic welcome. The first lady of Delta State in collaboration with other women rights group should set mobilization in motion. 

Nothing spared, Beverly the outcast have put the 'the big heart' state on global map of ignominy. She has just shattered Afrocandy's infamous public sex record...

She is expected back to Nigeria with the coveted BBA prize money into the warm embrace of her cult like followers. Delta State government and rights groups must speak out now or remain in perpetual silence. No sitting on the fence as we await a press release either in commendation or condemnation of the fingering session and sex romp that took place in Big Brothel Africa. Our outcast must be officially recognized for exemplary misconduct in throwing her legs wide open for the South African pervert. 

Berverly the outcast, enjoy your stay in BBA. South African corporations are renowned for digging profitable holes in Nigeria's business landscape. Give your pot of gold to the gold diggers. Like our randy hip hop musicians would sing in their various message of sex; 'your waist all I want is your waist, shake up your bum bum, kpuheee jaheee, take banana till you go yooo.' But don't allow the blokes to impregnate you. We already have enough bastards in Nigeria who enlarge the ranks of insurgents and militants.

If per chance you don't emerge victorious, I will propose you for the audition of another forthcoming sex reality TV show. This time, not in the confines of a house but on the streets where whores of your type will widen their legs with perverts zooming in and out publicly. The longest lasting duo will win a million dollars. World renowned multinational companies are already queuing up for headline sponsorship. 

Of a truth, these 28 virile young miscreants locked up in a house of booze for ninety one days, idling and fiddling away will soon emerge as role models. In the face of excruciating poverty, unemployment and HIV/AIDS pandemic among African youths, we deem it expedient to promote casual unsafe sex on camera. Who am I to sit in judgment? 

Beverly the outcast, go ahead. Receive the fingering and 'forkering' including the blow jobs. The world is your oyster. Let all the feminist associations disband and remain dumb and deaf forever. You are highly recommended for a national honour of MFR, most fingering realist!

Go ahead and receive it. It's a free world, it's your life, and you were born that way. You are showcasing your God given talent. Our jurisprudence in Nigeria makes no provision for indecent exposure. Arise ye people and line up the streets for Beverly's home return. We shall wave the Nigerian flag in sham and shame at the airport both at Lagos and Asaba.

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Gwokto La'Kitgum

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