{UAH} Gook help your brother: Frontline talk show turns nasty as Ofwono Opondo goes native
Government spokesman Ofwono Opondo threatened to undress Maria Matembe in a live TV political talk show the Frontline on NBS TV. Hot exchange forced producers of the show to take it off air with an abrupt commercial break.
Miria Matemba lost her cool and called Ofwono a bastard after the latter persistently interrupted her as she tried to make a case against the regime on land issues. Failing to reason out his rotten governments policies whenever attacked by articulate opposition figure Ofwono's uses a strategy of making direct personal attack on peoples characters In order to disorganize or divert them. Yesterday he feigned anger at what Matembe had said and launched a verbal artirally on her as the moderator looked on helplessly.
"I will undress you right here on camera" Ofwono shouted . Primitivism was written all over his face that has suffered untold bruising some people claim to be a result of over boozing.
Miria Matembe a Woman whose character is so difficult to bring to disrepute shot back unfazed, "say about me all you know Ofwono"
Hosted on the same show was Shadow Minister for constitutional affairs Medard Ssegona who looked on in dis-belief as Ofwono disgustingly attacked a woman who is highly respected and loved by viewers for her straight forward and frank articulation of issues on talk shows. In fact on this show Matembe is referred to as "the voice of reason".
Ofwono Opondo's character decay as once displayed when caught shop lifting underpants doubled by defending a clearly rotten government makes him unworthy any public respect however much he demands for it. It shall be recalled also that a few years ago he shot and killed a man in cold blood on the streets of Kampala for allegedly attempting to steal side mirror from a car.
On the same show was the NRM-UPC land Minister Betty Among Obote who defended Mr. Museveni over land grabbing. The others were Norbert Mao and Medad Sseggona moderated by Odong
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