[UAH] Plant trees to reverse desertication doom.
To what extent is Uganda at your heart?
Recently I was listening to the news and it was said that climate change report that had been realized indicated by the year 2080 that is 67year from now, Uganda will be a desert with temperature higher than that of Saharah desert today. The leading cause of this extreme climate change is uncontrolled deforestation.
Many people will argue that this a long time and they will not there. True for those who are now 20years and above but for a true Ugandan, but Uganda does not end with current generation only. Your children and grand children will be there to suffer the consequence of your action.
To prevent this situation to occur, we need to make Uganda sufficiently forested by establishing forests both plantations and natural. The time to start is now as trees take 20yeara and above to mature. We all know that apart from Kigezi highlands, Kampala and mt. Elgon region, there is a lot of land for tree planting in other parts of the country. On grazing land, silvi-pasture system should be applied which not only will increase tree cover but also improve the quality of pasture for animals and protect animals from sun by providing shade,
If you are real a true Ugandan and honestly have Uganda at heart do all you can to ensure that all those bear hills and range lands around you are forested.
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