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{UAH} Tinyefunza on VOA, his past, present and future role

This is in response to Mr. Joseph Tumushabe's post online in Activists for Change A4C elsewhere and the different responses.

Well said and hopefully well thought out discussion. We need such to arrive at a destination for a new post Museveni Uganda. We have to be real with ourselves. We need to express our personal and collective anger as a people. Of course, Tinyefunza wants to save his flesh first and foremost, but he is also brave man who may have listened to many who urged him on to flee, tell all even if implicated, and save those left. Tinyefunza is also a mature man now, a parent with adult children and relatives who sees things, people and the world in a different light. He is no longer a young man full of himself, ego and strength. At that age, many have become wise and recanted what they did earlier on without maturity. However, I would not like him to become President, yet I would welcome him as advisor since he has a vast experience of the ins and outs of his former friend, dictator Museveni and his cronies. I know Tinye comes from Balokole parents and relatives who may have had some influence on him. He was a Mulokole some time, perhaps he is coming back home, as some put it, A Saul turned Paul after having scales removed from his eyes. In this post Museveni, I am learning that we should have justice and mercy. Justice is should always be doled out, yet mercy should be our high road. those of you who read Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", we remember very well Shylock the Jew who demanded was it Antonio's - the merchant of Venice - pound of flesh, according to law, when Antonio (Jessica's fiance Lorenzo's friend) lost all, Shylock was asked by the Judge (Antonio's friend, Portia dressed as a man) to show mercy and forgive. He was not to be cheated as he thought, least knowing that the bright lawyer for Antonio, (time has gone) was his own daughter, Jessica, a Jew as well, dressed as a man. She said that justice should indeed be carried out, but Shylock would get his pound of flesh without spilling Antonio's blood, not even a drop! Could this be possible? Not so.

I am of the view and cautioning fellow Baganda and Ugandans that we should check out Tinyefunza if he is genuine, and give him a second chance to redeem himself using our cards of justice and mercy.

It is unfortunate that in Uganda we have lost the vision of justice, where injustice is rampart even in the courts of law, among the law enforcement system and process, a distorted view of justice reigns, so it is eye for eye, out of unresolved anger, poverty, lack of employment, theft, murder, frustration, lack of hope, you name it, even in homes!! Prisons are no longer for correction or even for those who have done wrong, but mostly for those who are innocent while the guilty go scot free or are acquitted by bad laws and corrupt judicial system, judges and laws! Prisons are no longer to correct or to help people reform and then be released back into society! What a shame! Yet we have lost the virtue of mercy as well from the unjust system that Museveni and his cohorts, even Tinye himself introduced in our beloved country that saw the shedding of Christian blood by the Martyrs after Kabaka (King) Muteesa I invited Christian missionaries to bring the light of God to his people in Buganda that spread to the whole of Uganda, Rwanda and Boga in Congo.

I am writing all of this as my ancestors who have been wronged, as my departed relatives and my people who have been wronged, as my living relatives and my people who have been wronged and violated in every imaginable way are peeping over my shoulders.

What is God asking us to do in these terrible times? How are we going to heal as a people who have been so wronged, Baganda, Ugandans, men, women, and children? Are we beyond godliness? Are we beyond mercy? Who are we mere mortals, the creation not to grant mercy when Our Creator has granted mercy beyond justice?

However, justice should not be abused, neither should mercy.

If I am wrong, then God be my Judge.

I will extend this argument in my notes elsewhere later on.

You are all free to discuss.

Rev. Jessica

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

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