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{UAH} Tumukunde cries out on UPDF ranks


I knew it was a matter of time before he opens his[foul] mouth again. Had he been of pizantry class like me h'd be six feet like yesterday.
Yosweri may have to be very careful tampering with him for now as he too, decries MK's rapid promotion in UPDF.
It should be remembered that He comes from Rubabo Rukungiri: the Home of Rukungiri Generals who at one time dominated almost all high positions in the Country's security agencies!! ISO, ESO, DMI PO etc! They may have lost touch with the base but M7 cannot afford to have them on the other side considering that many of these folks are still in good books with their kith and kin the "inkotanyi"!
As you can see Banyankole have started speaking in tongues , I guess the foresee a pending catastrophe on za way. Whether that is alittle too late....... Baganda have turned rogue against the best friend of the KINGDOM. Can he really trust badokoli whose opinion about them is well known.

*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
 We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
 individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge  - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987

*"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable"**…  *J.F Kennedy


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