UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.

{UAH} UNAA Membership Registration Deadline - Friday, August 2nd

Dear UNAA Members and Friends,

Friday, August 2nd, 11:59pm is the deadline to register to vote in the upcoming UNAA elections due to take place at the Omni Hotel Dallas on Sunday, September 1st.

Irrespective of whom you are supporting in this election, I urge you all to register and have your voice heard.

Only paid up members ($50 Membership Fee), will be able to vote. If your name does not appear on the voters register below, you will not vote:

This is the most important UNAA election in a generation and will determine what kind of organization we want to be, do we want to be the organization that makes excuses for our leaders for not doing what they are elected to do or do we want to be the organization that holds them accountable?

Your vote on Sunday, September 1st will indeed be an answer to that question.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (, 972-415-6372.

The election two years ago had about 150 UNAA Members, we are so far at 216 this year, and will probably top 300 over the next three days.

I have a lot of faith in this organization, but above all I have a lot of faith in you the members to do the right thing at the end of the day, irrespective of the innuendos out there, irrespective of the people who would rather use our diversity as a wedge to divide us instead realizing that its our diversity that brings out the very best in all of us.

Brian M. Kwesiga
Candidate for UNAA President, 2013-2015

Chairman, Dallas Convention Organizing Committee

Deputy Speaker, UNAA Council
UNAA Council Representative, South-West Region 2 (Arkansas, Northern Texas, Oklahoma)

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