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{UAH} UPDF has no money for buying uniform-there we go guys


THURSDAY, 18 JULY 2013 22:39

Pressed by financial constraints, the UPDF may not afford a second pair of uniform and boots for its soldiers this year, with enough food also in doubt, according to the ministry of Defence policy statement.

The army's dressing policy requires a soldier to have at least two pairs of uniform per year, but this year, the soldiers will have to make do with one pair if the ministry of Finance goes ahead to cut this year's Defence budget vote for uniforms by almost half.

The 2013/2014 ministerial policy statement, presented before Parliament's Defence and Internal Affairs committee, says the ministry of Finance has allocated Shs 10.9bn out of the projected total of Shs 31.9bn required by the ministry to buy the minimum two pairs of uniform.

Defence Minister Crispus Kiyonga is supposed to defend the statement before the committee next week.

"In order to appropriately dress the troops as per dressing policy, every military personnel is required to have two pairs of uniform per year," reads the ministerial policy statement, in part.

"This requires Shs 31.9bn against a budget allocation of Shs 10.9bn," it goes on to explain, adding, "This therefore means the troops will not be adequately dressed," the statement says.

Other assorted items the ministry wants to procure, according to the policy statement include stocks of ranger boots, service socks, T-shirts, gum boots, warm suits, Bivoc tents, back pack, belts, pancho, water bottles, ground sheets, ceremonial suits, ceremonial shoes, gadgets pips, crown arm and chevrons and general equipment.

The Defence ministry will, among other things, focus on procuring marine equipment such as patrol boats, fibre glass boats, and outboard engines on top of buying spares for repair of the navigation systems in this financial year.

For transport, the ministry will procure a number of transport equipment, to ease transportation of troops and material to different operation areas. According to the statement, UPDF is faced with challenges such as accumulated domestic arrears, which have affected key areas like food, fuel, maintenance of vehicles and buying of uniforms for the UPDF officers.

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0#1 DAVID.S 2013-07-19 00:27
Why doesn't this surprise me? what happened to the defence benefit which is meant to cater for the army welfare which also should include extra uniforms, you can expect a soldiers to wear 1 pair of uniforms all the time.

This is the so-called professional army treats its foot soldiers at home and abroad. While the bosses have everything, the footsoldier is in dire straits.This alleged professional army is an institution led by thieves. The NRA is force rife with all kinds of professional ills and taking them to Somalia will not make them forget their habits.

M7 has & his tribesmen have pushed Uganda to an extend were by even prayers can't save. The only option is for us, all true Ugandans to fight these people and reclaim our country back. It really hurts to see our country in this deteriorating state. Imagine even selling food mean't soldiers in the battle field. This is scary. Rampant corruption has become the order of the day, no rule of law. Am very very sad!
+1#2 Patricia 2013-07-19 04:23
while the Commander in chief lives more extravagantly than Billionaire Bill Gates on Tax Payers money, the soldiers and Policemen he uses to harass and kill Ugandans to keep him in power live like rats, there is always money for bullets and tear gas and fuel to track Besigye and other opposition leaders but nothing for the rag tag aka "professional" Army. 

What a joke. May be the so called 'elite' Special Forces whose only claim to eliteness is overrunning Konys abandoned camp in Garamba and taking pictures with his Jerry cans and wig must have the biggest cut of the cake since they Guard the visionary and his lot.
+1#3 Patricia 2013-07-19 04:28
Let them put on their civilian clothes and dye them green, who has money to waste on uniforms when there is tear gas and bullets to buy?. There is also a family that has decided to sacrifice by ruling Uganda kifuba. 

so they need to be pampered with the best things life has to offer. after all they have better things to do but they decide to volunteer so we should be grateful and thank God for the gift. Kalekezi alone has a Convoy complete with a cook to make sure his culinary desires are met wherever he may be. And you talk of Uniforms and food for Soldiers?

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