{UAH} Why gay men are dumping Russian vodka
Any successful moral and social crusade reaches its goals faster when it's powered by impactful economic ramifications.
Russian has passed a string of draconian anti-gay legislations in the last few months alone. To dramatize their displeasure with these new laws, gay men have launched a worldwide boycott of their popular drink: Russian Vodka! (Until I read this article, I did not know that Vodka, whether Russian or not, is a gay man's or group's favorite's drink.)
As it stands now, this boycot is still symbolic, but I think it has the potential of forcing meaningful changes in Russia's anti-gay laws if;
1) Russian vodka starts to lose market share around the world,
2.) Russian distillers have enough clout to engineer legislative changes
3) Russsia market for their vodka can not absord the excess vodka!
Uganda has little of international value that could be boycotted to force the government to relax its anti-homosexuality laws.
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