Brothers, at Masjid Al Answar, Masajja Kibira Zone, between Salaama and Busaabala Road, a history of Islam book, "Ebisago n'ebibala by'obusiraamu mu Uganda" by Hamidu Mbaziira sold as hot cake at 10,000/-
It is a good book for general information about Islam in Uganda and in Luganda. But it needs some proof reading.
Secondlyly, it is more useful to some body who never read books like "Abaasiga Obusiraamu mu Uganda" by the late Prince Haji Badru Kakungulu and Prof. A.B. Kasozi, and "Obulamu bwa Mbogo" by Nnaalinnya Nakabiri and Owek. Mustafa Mutyaba.
It is more useful for those who never studied about religious/political wars in Buganda in the last quarter of the 19th century.
But the author should have gone more than copy-tasting of what is in Kakungulu and Mutyaba's books, which also, obviously, have some biases and mistakes.
For example in "Abaasiga Oubisraamu mu Uganda" the first struggle for spiritual and structural reforms in the Muslim community spear headed by the late Sheikh Abdullah Ssekimwanyi, was treated as a Butambala affair between Twaibu Magatto the then Butambala Sza Chief and a puppet of the then Katikkiro Sir Aopplo Kaggwa, and Prince Nuuhu Kyabasinga Mbogo.
The lists of sheikhs mentioned were only those that belonged to Uganda Muslim Community Juma and Zukuri Sect Kawempe and New Juma Kibuli and tactifully, those from Africa Muslim Community Bukoto Nateete, other than Sheikh Abdullah Ssekimwanyi, were not mentioned at all.
The role of AMC Bukoto Nateete especially in getting Muslims, sites like Bukyolo, Kabukunge, Kaddugala, Mbuulire, Katimba, Nnambiriizi, in Masaka, Kitagobwa, Bukesa, Butawuka, in Butambala, to mention but a few was never hinted at.
Likewise, the new book made the same mistake.
However, it mentioned about the origins of Tabligh/Dawa movement and SPIDIQA Foundation but it did not elaborate about it, which would have been the only new information.
But we should also blame some organisations that have not done publicity for themselves and their causes. How can Sheikh Abdul Obeid Kamulegeya, a aformer Founder Vice President of NAAM in 1965, a former Chief Qadhi of Uganda, a Chairman of the Suprime Council of Sheikhs at Kibuli, and a Country Representative of Muslim World League (Rabitta) be at the same time, the President General of Africa Muslim Community Juma Sect Bukoto Nateete, where he has no time even for a single prayer at Bukoto.
As Secretary to Electoral Committee of Africa Muslim Community Juma Sect Bukoto Nateete, l will soon announce general election of the National Executive Committee including position of President General, insha Allah.
How can we criticise the likes of President Museveni for not retiring, when we also don't retire and we want to be every where and no where.
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