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What a great message sent to those attending the Dallas convention? If those attending the event are really patriotic.they would their disappointment message through all those government in attendance at the convention.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Lakoich Abe <>
To: UNAANET NATIONALGROUP <>; "" <>; kacoke madit <>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 6:57 PM
                                                                             At 25th Anniversary
                                                A DEBT OF GRATITUDE TO THE CIVIL RIGHT STRUGGLES!
A number of Ugandans & friends will make the 'pilgrimage' to Dallas Texas, the 2013 host city of UNAA annual general meeting/AGM. The AGM attracts diehards, vacationers, thrill seekers & a huge contingent of government officials, mixed with External Security Operatives & politicians on a junket. The most coveted annual foreign paid trip on the calendar & it is a fact; the junkets are awarded to diehard regime supporters! Indeed, quite a spectacle this annual ritual has become; thanks to the folks that conceptualized & founded this unique Uganda diaspora organization.
The 2013 AGM will also mark & celebrate UNAA's 25th anniversary a monumental feat that speaks volume of what is possible where many see very little hope! I am part of a large community of Uganda diaspora; that arrived in this new land in different ways. The Reverend Jesse Jackson said it best… "Different ships same boat". We now find ourselves in this great society in pursuit of the cliché, American Dream but we are still encumbered with issues that affect the land of our birth.
Fifty years ago over a quarter million folks of color & their white, Latino & Asian friends gathered at the Mall in Washington DC, it became known as the March on Washington. The Federal Government had deep reservations given the size of the event & also unfounded fear that it would turn riotous. It has been revealed the organizers were to be denied the permit to march & peacefully assemble. The chief speaker that day was The Late MLK Jr. who spoke of his dreams & what this country could be if it lived up to what it was capable being…the power of that speech lives fifty years on & resonates louder today.
The March on Washington would not have happened had the Federal Government used heavy handedness & gestapo tactics to prevent & forcefully stop a peaceful gathering.  It is my hope that most Ugandans at the AGM are not oblivious of why we can travel this great country & assemble without anyone interfering with our fun. Many who have travelled from the motherland are so pretentious & in denial about what they have left behind. A country adrift & indeed has become a police state where civil & human rights are non-existent. Political space for the opposition has been made user unfriendly.
We are in Dallas because those who suffered & paid the ultimate price wanted a country that lived up to what the constitution stands for. We are the beneficiary of the fruits of those struggles but it is important we remind some of our brothers & sisters who are visitors & guests that what is happening in our country is unacceptable. The recently hurried bill; Public Order Management Bill another tool among many used to suppress, violate human rights & political dissent. The draconian Machiavellian law will be signed into law by the visionary one as soon as his Vice President returns from Dallas. POMB is Uganda's Jim Crow & the Ku Klux Klan era laws that wreaked havoc & destruction on American Blacks. The trickery is that the people at the AGM will not 'react' negatively towards their guests &  feel embarrassed by their presence when at home even a solemn gathering to mourn a loved one especially by the opposition must get an approval from the inspector of police…how we have regressed & sunk so low into the abyss! 
My humble message to the head of government of Uganda delegation his Excellency the vice president. Sir, as you stand in front of those gathered in Dallas; at this juncture do reflect deeply & try to understand why it is important to grant a people their civil & human right to freely assemble. The people have suffered for a long time; a new way of thinking is the only way forward. What kind of a country would you like to leave for your grandchildren?
My prayers are that the folks at the AGM send a resounding message back with our guests/visitors to the visionary one …please set the country free!   I wish everyone a fantastic time in Dallas Texas.
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