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Following the Rwandese exodus, DMI was badly hit in terms of efficient manpower. Patrick Karegyeya had stayed behind presiding over counter Intelligence. At one time Charles Tusiime made some comments as to why Karegyeya was not leaving for RPF and he received back 'fire' from the simple but no-nocense Karegyeya. Karegyeya had studied Law at Makerere University, betrayed by a Muganda Senior Prison Officer and arrested as he tried to join the NRA via Nairobi. He was detained in Luzira upto around 1985 when he reunited with NRA and became an ADC to Mugisha Muntu when he was the DMI. At that time going via Nairobi was an easy route to the NRA in Luwero. 

The Director, Byemaro Mijumbi tried to reorganise the Directorate assisted by his Deputy Fred Tolit and Assistant Directors John Kasaija (Combat), Michael Bossa (Techinical), Charles Tusiime (Criminal Investigations), Robert Zakye (Personnel & Admin). Kasibante (Finance) and Eyotia Eyaa (Prosecutions). Up to this time, DMI has some sanity. There had been some issolated incidents of arrests and harrassment of political elites during the early days of coming to power more especially by the Aronda and Wilson Gumisiriza (RPF) squad at CPS. However, it was not routine as it later came to be under CMI. Mugisha Muntu could not and can not be a party to such violation of human rights. However that is the time when elites from the Northern and North Eastern regions were fleeing into exile and in order to successfuly seek asylum, some exegaration involving Muntu's name and things like snakes being used in torture had to be made. Actually even individuals from the western and central region would leave the country to seek greener pastures but claim to be persecuted because they are from the north and east of Uganda. 

There were issolated incidents of arrest, torture and detention and extortion from suspected armed robbers in Kampala. Such unauthorised arrests were mainly carried out by rouge operatives in both DMI and Military Intelligence of Lubiri Barracks under Capt Gayiira. At DMI there was a group led by one Mandevu who was one of the NRAs First 27. He would terrorise the city at Night but when he refused to heed to his superiors advice, he was shot by Military Police behind Ashok building along Jinja Road on Kaziini's (CO MP) orders because of rivary over who controlled the city. In the eastern region military intelligence operatives under Kyaligonza (Brigade Commander) and Vincent Ssesanga (Brigade I.O) became a menace. Long after Muntu hand left DMI, political elites like Nathan Kalema, Paulino Bangirana and Adrian Sibbo were detained at Basiima House on Kagame's orders. As for the military and criminal civillian suspects, DMI's detention facility was at the main Quarter Guard of Lubiri Barracks, the Lower Quarter Guard of Lubiri Barracks facing the Entebbe Road round about at Kibuye and the 1st Bn Barracks at Katabi in Entebbe. 

Byemaro Mijumbi fell sick and died shortly after. Museveni took long to appoint a new DMI not even in acting capacity. The most senior and right candidate at the time was John Kasaija who was the Asst. Director of Combat Intelligence in DMI. His fault was that confidential files indicated that he had been a brain behind the UNLA Korea trained Crack Unit at Nakasongola that had given the NRA rough time. Above all, he was seen as being more of a General Saleh confidant right from the time they were together at CCO. Fred Tolit had been a junior officer in the UNLA and was only brought on board by Tinyefuza during the northern region insurgency. His appointment by Museveni as D/DMI had been simply to appease the Acholis and to help further the counter insurgency operations. There had been top secret files in the DMI's office that neither Kasaija nor Tolit were not have to access to because they were not original NRAs. These files had to be moved to the Army Commander's office. To resolve the dillema, Museveni elevated Fred Tolit to the office of DMI but appointed Aronda as the Deputy DMI.

Fred Tolit was a primary school Teacher. During his tenure of office was only concerned with the operations against LRA and the coordination of military aid to the SPLA. He did not have the stamina to liaise with key stake holders in the intelligence community. No doubt, Aronda was the DMI and Tolit was a mere figure head. When it came to electing army representatives to the Constituent Assembly, Aronda was elected but he continued to run DMI. During that time DMI opened a training school in Ssese Islands under Vicent Ssesanga. The oly training in intelligence for DMI operatives had been a short course conducted by Babu Mugira at Lubiri in 1986, a course by Koreans at Kireka and a few who had attended a course in Cuba. After the 1996 general elections and following the ADF attack, Museveni appointed Tumukunde as the DMI. Because Tumukunde wanted to retain the title of Chief instead of Director, he renamed it CMI.


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