{UAH} If the constitution is not protecting our rights, Let's ignore it starting with the PMOB
The Magna Carta (1215), a.k.a The great charter, is actually the mother of all constitutions. In the magna carta, the Kings (England) subjects forced a document (Agreement) on the King limiting the power of the King; The document forced the King to proclaim rights of subjects and and accept that his powers had a limit.
The most important input of Magna Carta was the principal of No Taxation without representation which was to form the basis for the American civil war. The principal of no taxation without representation was the rallying call for the America war of independence against their colonial masters, the British. In 1649, King Charles I was beheaded for being a traitor and violating the constitutions of the Kingdom- the magna carta (So much for those claiming Britain has no constitution)
The French revolution, credited for the revolutionizing governance and democracy, also owed their ideological back ground to this document.
As expected, the King of England declared this document unworkable and banned it, but the ideas were out of the bottle and could not be bottled again. Several thousands of Royal and Quasi Rayal necks later, Constitutions are established documents FOR LIMITING THE POWERS OF THE RULERS AND PROCLAIMING RIGHTS OF CITIZENS.
Our rulers would have us believe that the Constitution is an instrument to rule us, and they have proceeded to delete, dilute, ignore, amend all those provisions that protect citizens from the excesses of rulers and they have highlighted and strengthened those provisions that curtail the liberties of citizens in the constitution.
IF CONSTITUTION OF UGANDA PROVES INCAPABLE OF GUARANTEEING THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS, THEN IT WILL BE USELESS AND DESERVES TO BE IGNORED. Why would any Ugandan respect the Public Order Management Bill that was passed yesterday? It is tampering with our natural rights.
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
---Theodore Roosevelt
The most important input of Magna Carta was the principal of No Taxation without representation which was to form the basis for the American civil war. The principal of no taxation without representation was the rallying call for the America war of independence against their colonial masters, the British. In 1649, King Charles I was beheaded for being a traitor and violating the constitutions of the Kingdom- the magna carta (So much for those claiming Britain has no constitution)
The French revolution, credited for the revolutionizing governance and democracy, also owed their ideological back ground to this document.
As expected, the King of England declared this document unworkable and banned it, but the ideas were out of the bottle and could not be bottled again. Several thousands of Royal and Quasi Rayal necks later, Constitutions are established documents FOR LIMITING THE POWERS OF THE RULERS AND PROCLAIMING RIGHTS OF CITIZENS.
Our rulers would have us believe that the Constitution is an instrument to rule us, and they have proceeded to delete, dilute, ignore, amend all those provisions that protect citizens from the excesses of rulers and they have highlighted and strengthened those provisions that curtail the liberties of citizens in the constitution.
IF CONSTITUTION OF UGANDA PROVES INCAPABLE OF GUARANTEEING THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS, THEN IT WILL BE USELESS AND DESERVES TO BE IGNORED. Why would any Ugandan respect the Public Order Management Bill that was passed yesterday? It is tampering with our natural rights.
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
---Theodore Roosevelt
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