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{UAH} KK@please give your Banyankore Officers basic Luganda lessons to save us this embarrassment.

IGP KKK, please give your Banyankore Officers basic Luganda lessons to save us this embarrassment. It's criminal for an officer to appear on national TV and say the word OKUTINGANA (Luganda for killing each other) with a kinyankore pronunciation! So vulgar! An OC station somewhere said it:'...... I hear ono omusajja n'omukazi twali tumanyi nti bagenda Kutingana' (read the last word in Runyankore). Eeeh.

Some words have diverse meanings in different languages! Beware how u use them. For example, whereas the word EMINEKYE means sweet bananas in Runyankore, it means the female organ in Lugisu. The word Akakongoijo means ankle in Runyankore, the same thing is called Impakamana in Rufumbira/Runyarwanda. When u ask for Eminekye from a gisu woman, she will pour hot water on u thinking you are lesbo!

Kayihura is a budget holder. In fact, the lessons will help him a lot as well. He is doing badly! Yes, its' ok to make mistakes in a language which is not yours but the problem is that they (Banyankore) are if Police is meant only for them! And most of them are in higher positions...that's why they have to interface with the media.

Banange TUSHWALEKO as Miria Matembe says. TV Stations should start running disclaimers warning their viewing publics that the newscast involves usage of strong language!!

People may not want to hear this but it seems Luganda is our national language whether we like it or not. We should all try to learn it apart from George Okello. I was watching NTV Akawungeezi. The reporter sought police comment in Luganda.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that  we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic  and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
---Theodore Roosevelt

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