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Had the original East African Community (EAC) not collapsed in 1977, Tanzania would not have invaded Uganda to overthrow Iddi Amin in. Rwanda, Burundi and Congo too all along had in place a similar arrangement that preceded the current International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR). Their original regional arrangement had its secretariat based in Goma. That regional body was a success story because it successfuly resolved any misunderstanding that arose between any state party. It managed to contain any attempt by Rwandese Tutsis exiled in Congo and Burundi from any hostile activities against the Hutu government in Rwanda. Similary the same body contained Burundi Hutus who were exiled in Rwanda from any hostility against the Tutsi government in Burundi. That way, the hostility that ignited that region's blody conflict had to come from outside the regional arrangement - Uganda. In 1990 the Rwandese Tutsis from Uganda invaded Rwanda and the long time constrined Rwandese Tutsis in Congo and Burundi flocked Uganda to join hands with RPF. In 1993, Burundi got the first democratically elected Hutu President but was slaughtered by the Tutsi army three months later. A Hutu had taken over power in Burundi at a time when the Tutsi RPF was battling the Hutu government of Rwanda. Had he not been slaughtered and power reverted back to the Tutsi army, the then Hutu government of Rwanda would have got a strong ally in Burundi thus strengthening its resistance against the RPF. With the pro-Uganda RPF taking over power in Rwanda in 1994, that regional body collapsed. The final nail was hardly two years later when the RPF invaded Congo and overthrew Mobutu.

Museveni had all along envied that body but also feared that his presidency would be challenged from Congo. That is why just a few hours after being sworn in as President in 1986, he flew to Congo to meet Congos Mobutu, Rwanda's Habyarimana and Kenya's Arap Moi. He wanted that regional body to be expanded to include Uganda and Kenya in order to secure a regional military alliance. Kenya had since the time of Iddi Amin haboured Ugandan dissidents. During the Obote II regime Kenya was the major base of the NRA external operations. After Museveni took over power, still Kenya was a base of Uganda dissidents. Around 1997, an all out war was about to break out after the NRA made an incursion into Kenya. Dissident Ugandan Amon Bazira was shot dead in Nairobi by ESO operatives. In early 1990s Kenyan dissident Col Odong who had formed the February Eighteenth Resistance Army (FERA) was a state guest in Kampala and handled by Aronda before relocating to Ghana. During the controvercial elections in Kenya Museveni was opposed to the Raila Oginga victory for fear that the later's goverment would ally with the Nilotes/Luos in Uganda. He had supported the SPLA in Southern Sudan but intelligence reports indicated that that it often supplied LRA with logistics and intelligence. Museveni's main fear was that once John Garang had secured Southern Sudan's independence, he could seek to support his cousins in Nothern Uganda. John Garang died in a Ugandan Helcopter crash shortly before the countrie's independence. 

In advocating for the fast tracking of the EAC political federation, Museveni seeks to secure a military alliance that will guarantee his stay in power. To this end he sough to include a provision in the defence pact thus "an attack on a member state shall be an attack against all member states. An armed attack against a party state party shall be considered a threat to regional security. Such an attack shall be met with immediate collective action by all state parties". This provision was defeated by Tanzania prompting Museveni to lower his tone on his much aclaimed EAC Stand by Brigade and instead concentrate on strengthening his son's SFG. Another interest lies in attaining the first Presidency of the EAC federation so that he hands over Uganda's Presidency to his chosen successos. That is why he opposed Ghadafi on the idea of African Union. With Tanzania's reluctancy to fast track the EAC federation coupled by presure to relinguish the presidency in Uganda, Museveni is desparately trying to secure a faster regional federation without Tanzania. In his calculation, if he already has the support of Rwanda, Kenya and South Sudan. In future he expects to bring on board Somalia and the yet to be created state of Kivu in eartern DRC.

Therefore, Tanzania's deployment into DRC against Rwanda/Uganda backed M23 was a fatal blow to Museveni's schemes. The situation is worserned by recent expulsion of Rwandese from Tanzania. To Museveni the federation and the Swahili language was also meant to cover up for the Banyarwanda identity especially the pastroll comunities that are randomly scattered all over the region. These pastrol communities of Tanzania's Kagera Region had assisisted Museveni during the fight against Amin. Now they are securing the southern border. 


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