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One morning in June 1979, Munno Publications came with one of the leading news item saying; Mwalimu (Julius Kamabarage) Nyerere yategeezezza nti amagye ga Tanzania agali mu Uganda sigajja kubeerayo mirembe nam irembe, gajja kuddayo ng'ago aganaasigalamu ge g'okuyamba ku uganda mu kutendeka eggye lyaayo eppya eriteekeddwea okubeera n'empisa wennungi.
This was after an exclusive meeting the late Nyerere had wirth the late Prof. Yusuf Kironde lule in the port town of Mwanza ate the peak of anti and pro Lule conflict.
Munno was quoting a Tanzanian newspaper l don't remember. The paper said that the TPDF that weas in Uganda would not be here permanently. It will withdraw and that to remain would be for training UNLA which was supposed to be a disciplined force.
Munno also said that the two leaders had met in Musoma on May 1st, l think to mark International Labour Day.
Later in 1980, after the removal of Godfrey Lukongwa binaisa's regime, and as the late Jaffir El Niemery of the Sudan and Daiel Moi of Kenya raised eyebrows, Nyerere was speaking to Tanzania;'s Parliament, and said that Uganda was not under Tanzanmian occupation.
In War in Uganda (1982) writers tell us that when YKM declared a full scale guerilla warfare, Tanzanians started to withfraw although unceremoniously.
But in Sowing the Mustard Seed, President Museveni tells us how he would have spared Tanzanians if they had not joined UNLA in fighting NRA and when they were hit, they withdrew. In Yoweri Museveni , Selected Articles on Resistance War (1985), he tells us how, NRA suspanded itys operations to enable the Tanzanians withdraw.
Having said that, l am not condoning terrorism and l condemn it fully. Whereas ANC and PLO were labelled terrorist organisations, they were liberation groups or freedom fighters againzt Aparheid and Zionim respectively. But AMISOM allowed restoration of Shariah, former leaders of Union of Islamic Courts were given amnesty signed peace deals and returned and were put in charge. There is a second election under AMISOM which were things of the past, a federal constitution was promulgated for Somalia, and it is a  matter of time before Somaliland, Punt Land and may be if we realise a political federation for East Africa, Djibuti, Ogaden and North Eastern Kenya, become part of it. So no war against AMISOM is justifiable. Yest, America was at the background but America is every where and it uses a chance of internal weaknesses, and yet Somalia is in Arab League, but it was ignored and it is Africa Union that is at the fore front.
l think the AMISOM road map should be loud and clear, in that after we have restored sovereign dignity and territorial integrity of Somalia, we withdraw, probably in the next one or two years, God willing

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