Right from the days of post Iddi Amin UNLF government, Museveni knowingly swelled the ranks of his personal army with a number of Rwandese refugees. When they were eliminated from the new national army because of their refugee status, as Minister of Defence he retained them as hir private army.
When he launched the bush war, these Rwandese refugees were the most loyal and trusted among the fighters. When he took over goverment, the Rwandese because of their sound education background and undisputed loyality dominated vital command positions and key departments like Intelligence, Supplies, Finance and Presidential Protection/VIP protection etc. Fred Rwigyema who had been a Duputy Army Commander and Deputy Minister of Defence was Museveni's most trusted top army officer more than even his own brother Gen. Saleh.
Museveni still wanted these Rwandese in the NRA to gurrantee his security. Museveni also feared that Fred Rwigyema would also attract alot of non Rwandese NRAs into the war in Rwanda. However, there was growing feeling of animosity towards Museveni's overreliance on Rwandese. A number of Senior NRA officers were disgusted with their presence. For the same reasons, the current plans by Gen. Tinyefuza must equally be bad news in Kigali. Museveni got reports that the Rwandese were planning to go to Rwanda by force. Museveni tasked then Sgt Rwakitarate of DMI to investgate the preparations that were going on at Bihanga training school under the supervision of Capt Musitwa. Museveni rendered Rwigyema redundant and Paul Kagame was humilliated with a demotion in terms of responsibility before sending him on a course overseas. Museveni also feared that the RPF invasion and taking over of power in Rwanda would lead to an exodus of Rwandese from Uganda to Rwanda. In this way it would harm those other Rwandese in Uganda who for some reasons do not want to identify with Rwanda.
The Rwandese in NRA realised that Museveni was bent on triming their influence to the minimum while continuing to use them to gurantee his security. They decided to make a hasty invassion. Given their secretive nature, it is most likely that Fred Rwigyema did not tell his close friend Saleh.
When the invasion suffered a setback, Museveni very much aware that the retreating RPF nolong had space in the NRA, decided to militarily support them. If he did not it would have become a situation similar to how Rwanda is now stuck with the M23 fighters.
Even when they took over power, Museveni did not want Kagame to take over as President. He prefered a Pasteur Bizimungu type of leader who would regard Museveni as a godfather as opposed to Kagame who had to defiantly humilliate him in battle before he came to accept Rwanda's independence.
Therefore, Museveni opposed the invasion but supported the war. As he had an agreement with the Baganda, could he have had an agreement with the Rwandese but was reluctant to honour it and the RPF defiantly moved to enforce it!
When he launched the bush war, these Rwandese refugees were the most loyal and trusted among the fighters. When he took over goverment, the Rwandese because of their sound education background and undisputed loyality dominated vital command positions and key departments like Intelligence, Supplies, Finance and Presidential Protection/VIP protection etc. Fred Rwigyema who had been a Duputy Army Commander and Deputy Minister of Defence was Museveni's most trusted top army officer more than even his own brother Gen. Saleh.
Museveni still wanted these Rwandese in the NRA to gurrantee his security. Museveni also feared that Fred Rwigyema would also attract alot of non Rwandese NRAs into the war in Rwanda. However, there was growing feeling of animosity towards Museveni's overreliance on Rwandese. A number of Senior NRA officers were disgusted with their presence. For the same reasons, the current plans by Gen. Tinyefuza must equally be bad news in Kigali. Museveni got reports that the Rwandese were planning to go to Rwanda by force. Museveni tasked then Sgt Rwakitarate of DMI to investgate the preparations that were going on at Bihanga training school under the supervision of Capt Musitwa. Museveni rendered Rwigyema redundant and Paul Kagame was humilliated with a demotion in terms of responsibility before sending him on a course overseas. Museveni also feared that the RPF invasion and taking over of power in Rwanda would lead to an exodus of Rwandese from Uganda to Rwanda. In this way it would harm those other Rwandese in Uganda who for some reasons do not want to identify with Rwanda.
The Rwandese in NRA realised that Museveni was bent on triming their influence to the minimum while continuing to use them to gurantee his security. They decided to make a hasty invassion. Given their secretive nature, it is most likely that Fred Rwigyema did not tell his close friend Saleh.
When the invasion suffered a setback, Museveni very much aware that the retreating RPF nolong had space in the NRA, decided to militarily support them. If he did not it would have become a situation similar to how Rwanda is now stuck with the M23 fighters.
Even when they took over power, Museveni did not want Kagame to take over as President. He prefered a Pasteur Bizimungu type of leader who would regard Museveni as a godfather as opposed to Kagame who had to defiantly humilliate him in battle before he came to accept Rwanda's independence.
Therefore, Museveni opposed the invasion but supported the war. As he had an agreement with the Baganda, could he have had an agreement with the Rwandese but was reluctant to honour it and the RPF defiantly moved to enforce it!
Posted by Uganda - A Change of Guards!
Viele GruBe
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