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Best divorce announcement ever? Wife of ‘Paul’ asks for divorce on bar sign

By Shereen Dindar

That's one way to ask for a divorce! (Instagram/ellentwilliams)An angry wife, who says she was cheated on by her husband, persuaded staff at a U.K. bar to display a large sign reading "Paul...I am divorcing you. BTW I am keeping the dog."

Noah's Yard in Uplands, a suburb of Swansea, Wales, regularly changes the words on the sign above their door, reports South Wales Evening Post.

“Maybe this will become a new way of asking for a divorce," says bar owner Noah Redfern, adding that they've had many unusual messages displayed in the past.

Refern was approached by the woman while she was having a drink last Tuesday. He agreed to post the shocking sign over the weekend.

“I am absolutely devastated and going through a really tough time at the moment," says the wife, who wishes to remain anonymous."We have been married for years and it is so sad it has come to this."

She claims that her husband is furious about the sign, but she feels a bit better.

“A lot of my friends and family have seen it and have been supporting me," she says. " I did feel a bit better once the sign went up. I wanted to name and shame him."

Last year, the same bar coincidentally put up a sign that said "Marry me Paul" -- although it's not known if it involved the same woman.

Examples of scorned individuals seeking public revenge on a cheating spouse are becoming more common.

Last month, a woman posted an epic breakup letter online to her boyfriend of nine months who was cheating on her the whole time with his ex.

And this past Valentine's Day, a man dumped manure into his wife's prized convertible after he discovered she was on a dating site where she wrote that her husband was "a complete idiot."



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