{UAH} GOP unveils its own affordable healthcare site!
aying that "the American people are fed up with a disastrous Web site that doesn't work and never will," House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) and a phalanx of congressional Republicans today unveiled their own health-care Web site, EmergencyRoom.gov.
"At EmergencyRoom.gov, every American can access the one tried-and-true health-care system that has worked in this country for decades," he said.
While Healthcare.gov has frustrated many users with its difficult-to-navigate design, Rep. Cantor said that at EmergencyRoom.gov, "Health care is just three easy steps away. One: enter your zip code. Two: see the list of emergency rooms. Three: get to the nearest one before you die."
The Virginia Republican wasted no time touting the cost savings of EmergencyRoom.gov, comparing it favorably with the notoriously expensive Obamacare site: "Unlike Healthcare.gov, which private contractors built at a cost running into the hundreds of millions, EmergencyRoom.gov was built for nine hundred dollars by my intern Josh."
And in contrast with Healthcare.gov's maze of forms, links, and phone numbers, he said, "EmergencyRoom.gov has just one phone number: 9-1-1."
In what may be the strongest selling point for the new site, Rep. Cantor said that the wait time on EmergencyRoom.gov is "virtually nonexistent," not counting the twelve to thirty-six hours spent in the actual emergency room.
That was a good ride on the teaparty express bus, wasn't it?
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