{UAH} A UPDF's life in exile
Life in exile can be very very interesting especially if you were someone that held some post of importance.
Take this guy for example. He was a senior officer in UPDF. He appears to have been accidentally attached to the finance department, a preserve of some fellows.
He minted money and I mean real money. That is how he ended up owning quite a bit of property in real estate.
Then the inevitable happened and as usual in M7's gov't, the scapegoat will be that one from the "wrong tribe".
He was immediately court-marshaled and the amount of money that was allegedly lost as a result f his alleged negligence of duty amounted to billions of Shs.obviously to his shock because he had no idea where that money was going or who else was "eating" !
To cut a long story short, he fled the country "Byakutaga-style" of the Dan Byakutaga fame that fled with ALL the $$$ meant to be Salaries of UPDF Soldiers in DRC.
Life in exile for such human beings is by no means a piece of pie. After awhile he, was forced to work as he prepared his immigration papers.
Such fellows who have known nothing else other than the AK47 and have little or no education, have pretty much their jobs cut for them - Security guards.
My friend got a job as a security guard using someone else's name as many of you guys know the reason. Poor guy was not used to this kind of life. Many a time he'd forget that he was Peter the security guard and not Joseph the real him.
As frustration rose he took more to drinking heavily but because he worked grave yard shift, he was always lucky that he was never got in the wrong.
Then it happened!
On one particular day he drunk himself silly while at work and then slipped into some very deep sleep.
It was really one of those double tragedies that happen . As he slept, something in the building he was guarding sparked off fire. Suddenly there was a massive fire. He soundly slept through. It took another 15 minutes before the fire department responded but still with all the commotions and the noise, he did not hear a thing. It took a fireman to wake him up, dazed, drunk and very confused he asked the fireman what was going on...............
Folks, I am told he did not wait for the worst to happen and in two days he was back in Uganda swearing that he'd rather die home and poor. The last I heard was that he had sold half of his property and his case either got dismissed or evidence disappeared.
*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
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The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987
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