Shifting forces that keep conspiring to fix Ruto at the ICC

Deputy President William Ruto (Center) arrives at the International Crimminal Court on October 25, 2013. PHOTO : Billy Mutai (Hague) 

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Framing and fixing Deputy President William Ruto at the International Criminal Court for the post-2007 election violence appears to have been a preoccupation for a significant number of people in Kenya.

Like an onion, the layers of framers and fixers appear to be peeling away to reveal the kernel of the conspiracy to take Mr Ruto out of the country's leadership and political equation. 
Knowing that Mr Ruto held no truck with their brand of nonsense about human rights and extra-judicial executions, the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights — working with its cabal of village troublemakers — created fictions about meetings that did not happen, injuries that could not be seen and deaths that did not occur. Confronted with confessions from living and breathing witnesses who claimed they had been coached, pampered and paid to lie, they offered nothing useful in their own defence.

No sooner had the national human rights institution taken a break from perfidy than the non-governmental organisations working at the behest of foreign donors begin to conjure up ways of keeping Mr Ruto from ascending to the leadership of Kenya, and locking out cheap imports from foreign markets.

The unholy trinity of Western dominance of global geo-politics keen to install a puppet leadership in Kenya, an ICC chief prosecutor desperate to revive a failed legal career and NGOs hungry for donor dollars conspired to land Mr Ruto in hot soup on no evidence at all. 
Locally, jealousy, malice and ill-will fuelled the cases against the would-be deputy president. Politicians whose only shot at success lay in fixing Mr Ruto began to write feverish letters to the ICC and speak volubly at international fora about impunity. All the time, they were winking at the ICC Chief Prosecutor to do Mr Ruto in.

It did not help that Mr Ruto had better ideas of how to run Kenyan than his backward political party at the time. Mr Raila Odinga, the most ungrateful person in Kenya's political history, ratcheted up his riddling to sell his lieutenant off without regard to the delicate post-election negotiation Mr Ruto had endured to secure the Prime Ministership for him.

Whitewashed and vanquished at the March 4, 2013 elections, Mr Odinga ceded his fixing activities to Western imperialist powers, which have a strong aversion to Mr Ruto's dark skin colour, deep African roots and revulsion for homosexuality. Seeing him sharing power with President Uhuru Kenyatta must make their bile boil. That is why they have an inside column within the Jubilee government — a coterie of civil servants who are jubilant by day and corded to the devil at night.

These are the people who have constructed the edifice of falsehood from bare-faced fictions that ultimately made it to the Commission of Inquiry into the Post-Election Violence, and then the ICC.
The product has been the KNCHR and NGOs' coaching and inducing of witnesses to record imaginary statements on murder, rape, arson, injury and displacement. They have been readily aided by unpatriotic elements in the public service who continue to draw salaries and benefits oblivious of their betrayal of the motherland. This is what has been swallowed hook, line and sinker at the ICC and become Mr Ruto's waking nightmare.
The forces that framed Mr Ruto and continue to seek to fix him may shift shape, but their essence and purpose is unchanged: to deny Kenya Mr Ruto's immense talent, introduce a Western stooge into the presidency and funnel inflation-causing dollars into the economy through non-governmental organisations. It is shameless neo-imperialism taking advantage of unpatriotic public servants.