{UAH} Abu Musa} SEJUSA: "Elections under M7: That is the critical STATEMENT!"
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******Gen. David Sejusa, London 2013******
"....So my answer is we need to look at this whole experience of elections and the world must also understand. But also the world must understand that the geopolitical machinations of Museveni are a fassad. They are a lie. Because Museveni is not Uganda. He is a representative. We are the people who can make change in a sustainable way, the people of Uganda, not an individual. And they should learn from what happened in other countries not to invest in individuals because individuals expire. During the cold war, the people who invested in Mobutu, what happened? You look at the DR; look at the North African countries. So our involvement in Somalia was because we had genuine interests in Somalia. 1.5 million small guns cross from Somalia into Uganda every other two years. This is a huge thing. So it is in our interests to have a stable Somalia. So no one should tell us that if Mr Museveni is not there, then Somalia will go. No we shall do our job because we too have our interests not Mr Museveni. They are Ugandan interests…"
From his narrative, Tinyefuza is clearly looking to the West for support, perhaps after realizing that most Ugandans, despite overwhelming desire for change, don't have a single idea how to make it.Up to now, we have been skeptical to Sejusa's intentions but after the above revelations, there is something to ponder about: We concur most Ugandans, Buganda or central region inclusive, are captives of a vehicle driver himself ignorant of the direction to our destination; and very few Ugandans are confidently competent of querying the quagmire we are facing.
1. Should Ugandans (even donors) continue wasting money in our elections?
2. What can happen if FDC, DP, UPC, CP , JEEMA etc boycott 2016 elections under M7's handpicked electoral commission?
3. What if M7 parades a proxy-paid opposition (read Ochegere) to contest against themselves?
4. Without hope in an electoral democratic process, what other alternative is open to Ugandans?
Support from the West is critical; for M7 has always cajoled them as their only capable representative in the region, to the extent of forfeiting important national interests like policy shift from oil and gas refinery to pipeline. But, studies of international development will reveal that the perpetual failure by the African state to break through the development stages (as Sejusa laments the laughable GDP levels), is partly explained by over reliance on western-based tools (development aid, expatriates, governance stooges etc). So how, is the change being fostered by Tinyefuza going to fundamentally differ from the incumbent, in regards to serving national interests?
We, think, regardless of what it costs, the change must be 100% by Ugandans as soon as possible; not by foreign powers as later as they will deem right. Be sure that the later will always join us moving.Abu MusaResearch Dept, Jeema
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