{UAH} Kayoshe and Kamugisha
Dear UNAA Members,
After careful deliberations and reviewing all the recent postings on unaalist, the UNAA Board of Trustees has decided to appoint Mr Kayoshe and Rev Kamugisha as the moderators of unaalist. Those appointed gentlemen have the powers to unilaterally block any members that abuse UNAA's well written and widely circulated code of conduct without referring the matter to any other body of UNAA. To assist them review all emails coming unaalist, the moderator will have the power to first read and approve each email before they are released onto unaalist.
It is the BoT's sincere hope that this appointment will help bring unaalist discussions back to levels expected of our association. If left unchecked, we fear that the recent wave of writings that violate UNAA's code of conduct could bring disrepute to our beloved 25 year old association.
Any member that wishes to read the Code of Conduct should contact UNAA's Secretary, Aisha Ogwang, for an electronic copy.
The above decision was reached unanimously by the following Board of Trustees:
Munnini Mulera
Moses Wilson
Alexander Zabasajja
Rosette Serwanga
Opio Oloya
Sarah Matovu
Robert M Serumaga
thank you.
From: Timothy Gaburungyi <timothy.gaburungyi@gmail.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 3:56 PM
The travesty is when someone like you who can quickly call me and verify the madness you hear chooses to write a silly petition loaded with malicious allegations. Would it be ok for me to post a petition to the BoT to verify if David Muwanga still beats up his wife? I mean I can also argue that it is just a petition.
You know very well that I was responsible for maintaining UNAA's website and it was one of the vehicles that UNAA chose to register people for the convention and for membership. I also took the trouble to educate myself on how the system works. If as a result of that effort I was in a position to assist members or to explain the functionality it does not mean that I made the voters list. That some people maliciously choose to think so does not make it ok for you to insinuate without any due diligence on your part that I developed the voters register. That is where y crossed the line and hence my direct and public effort to correct you.
David, next time, if you are really sincere, place a call or send me an email before wasting the BoT's time with a silly petition which you yourself do not even have the time to research. Please extend the courtesy you expect to all other UNAA's members.
Cool? Now I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Sent from Windows Mail
Mr. Musoke,
In print and recorded teleconferences, concerns were raised about some individuals' role in the creation of the voter's register.
It's a fact that Mr.Timothy Gaburungyi's name or the title of director of development featured prominently in these deliberations. For him to dismiss as a conspiracy theory this fact is a traversty.
David Muwanga.
From: brian.kwesiga@yahoo.com
To: visionempire@msn.com
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 15:39:17 -0500
It's even better.
On the list on the website; it clearly states who is a New Member. ($50) and who is Renewing ($20)
So anyone who is genuinely interested can do the math, but why I get the feeling that people would rather whine over nothing than actually do work.
Brian M. Kwesiga
President and CEO,
Ugandan North American Association - UNAA
972.415.6372 | www.unaa.org | "United We Stand"
Joseph,The tone of my email is extremely appropriate, I suffer no regrets. All I am doing is telling these folks in a very frank manner, what they need to do to move on to the next stage. Granted they may get surprised by my tone but I need some people to realize that complaining endlessly is NOT the solution. At some point they have to take responsibility for what they need to get done.Just think about it for a minute. Here you have people who have been complaining endlessly that membership money was used to settle the UNAA Dallas convention bills. Then the same people also complain endlessly that very many people got on the member roll without paying for membership. So how come there was membership money significant enough to pay off large debts? So which is it?But moving on, the list of everyone who paid membership is still up on UNAA.ORG. Simple math can get someone to roughly estimate what the membership revenue should have been (REMEMBER to make an allowance for the lower renewal fee of $20), then these folks can press the last Director of Finance to get them the membership revenue. This is very simple stuff.Instead of doing this sensible work they go off conspiracy theories about who prepared what list, how and when. Without any due diligence these folks do not hesitate to accuse other UNAA members of engaging in unethical behavior. You yourself have engaged in such dishonorable implications so it is understandable that you come out to complain when I give these folks some tough love.Now about keeping friends, we all need to get to that place where we realize that not everyone will hate us or like us. Joseph there are people who simply cannot stand your guts and they never will whatever you do. Get used it to it and live your life as Joseph. As long as you have not wronged them (like how you go after people again and again and imply wrong doing on their part without any credible evidence), there is some much you can do to accommodate them. If they keep coming after you at some point the responsible thing to do is let them feel your weight just so that they get the priorities in their lives straightened out.CheersGaburungyiOn Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Joseph Musoke <joseph.musoke@ymail.com> wrote:
Tim,I take pride in the fact that I have never lost a friend because of what I write about UNAA. The key is to avoid insulting anyone or lying about anything. That's is why I have never apologized on unaalist, unaanet or UAH.On Dec 12 you sent me a polite email on unaalist that I've to admit threw me off because it was out of character. I even contacted several people in your camp to ask if the msg was drafted by Mr Peter Mukunya or Ms Liz Rukundo (you know how people on unaalist like to use other people to send out emails).The tone of what you wrote in point #6 below is not good for a useful discussion with Mr Kironde. I am glad Mr Kironde did not retaliate with similar language.As to your other points, you can't tell someone to prove what you are not showing them. That is why the legal system provides for the discovery process (interrogatories and Requests for Production).Supposing A sues B, A alleges that B did something wrong. If B has exclusive possession of the information needed to prove A's allegation, B is required to give to A access to all documents needed to to prove the allegations. The discovery process is so broad that you even have to produce information that is not admissible at trial.Lastly, Massachusetts law provides that members have the right to inspect a corporation's records. Please see Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws.thanksFor a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
From: Timothy Gaburungyi <timothy.gaburungyi@gmail.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2013 3:16 AM
A good healing start is by you and yours;
Actually presenting proof that indeed there exist a person or persons on the member roll who did not pay membership fees. Educating yourself on which official handles which information in UNAA Educating yourself on the rules that govern how that information is made public Educating yourself on the difference between a member roll and a voters register and where responsibility for each lies. Actually starting to act on the above steps. Trying to find peace in the bounty of life outside UNAA.GaburungyiSent from Windows MailCan you present the voter's register to the BoT stating the dates each of the 400 plus names paid and by how much? That would be a good healing start.On Dec 22, 2013 7:13 PM, "Timothy Gaburungyi" <timothy.gaburungyi@gmail.com> wrote:UNAA MemberWishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New YearThe allegations contained therein are retrogressive, founded in fantasy, totally baseless and devoid of the slightest ingredient of any truth.Grounds:
The Chairman,
As a member of UNAA who served exceptionally well as UNAA's first Director Of Development, I have an obligation to the Members of the Ugandan North American Association.
At great inconvenience to myself I have decided to appeal to you to save the BOTs time )so that you can concentrate on other valuable deliberations) and dismiss with all the contempt it deserves the following submission contained in a very frivolous petitioned submitted by someone who signed of as Mr. David Muwanga UNAA Electoral Commissioner.
5- The Board of Trustees needs to investigate the role of some members of the EC during the run up to the elections and after.
A candidate's complaint to the EC was forwarded to the Director of development who had no role to adjudicate election conflicts, the director of development again has shown up in the Kabagambe conflict as a custodian of documents.
This undefined role does warranty serious scrutiny because the Director of Development played a significant role in setting up the voters' register.
It's very difficult for the EC to investigate it's own members, and since the elections have been a thorn in UNAA's recent history, a thorough investigation will help heal all of us.
Tim GaburungyiOn Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Edriss Kironde <edriss.kironde@gmail.com> wrote:If you just joined us today, this is where we are coming from
The Chairman,
As a member of UNAA who is serving on the UNAA electoral Commission, I have an obligation to the Ugandan North American Community, the UNAA Board of Trustees that nominated the Electoral Commission, the UNAA Council that confirmed us, and the UNAA executive.
I have painfully decided to appeal for a thorough investigation of the entire UNAA elections that took place on September 1st, 2013 in Dallas Texas for the following reasons.
1- Allegations have been made that some members who were not in good standing voted in the election, it's a fact the voters' register was provided to the electoral commission by the executive who were partisan, it was never authenticated by the Electoral Commission. We do not know whether voter's paid their membership due at all, in time or paid the full membership dues.
2-There is evidence the candidates' list was compromised, Mr. John Nebaza showed up on the candidate's list even without showing any intent to run for office. During the Electoral Commission deliberations the EC officials who were responsible for the candidates list had no knowledge of how Mr. Nebaza was smuggled onto the list.
3- The issue of Mr.Kabagambe lead me to contemplate resigning from the Electoral commission, during EC deliberations this week to address this issue, members of the commission lacked evidence to prove that Mr.Kabagambe met all EC guidelines to be a candidate in good standing, an apology was issued to the EC in a recorded teleconference.
Mr.Kabagambe did not have enough members to second him and required documentation for individuals seconding candidates was not submitted.
The turn of events on this issue may need law enforcement investigation to save the EC from this circus.
4- Mr. Joseph Musoke has appealed to the UNAA Board of Trustees about the manner Mr.Wakou was elected to the UNAA council.
I agree with this complaint because the electoral commission did not seat as a whole to decide this issue, the last time this issue was raised was in Dallas and the EC decision was a tie.
5- The Board of Trustees needs to investigate the role of some members of the EC during the run up to the elections and after.
A candidate's complaint to the EC was forwarded to the Director of development who had no role to adjudicate election conflicts, the director of development again has shown up in the Kabagambe conflict as a custodian of documents.
This undefined role does warranty serious scrutiny because the Director of Development played a significant role in setting up the voters' register.
It's very difficult for the EC to investigate it's own members, and since the elections have been a thorn in UNAA's recent history, a thorough investigation will help heal all of us.
6- All the above flaws, errors or abuses bring into question the fairness of the entire election, we do not know whether more happened, we should not wait for another appeal while sitting on these facts.
UNAA can not discriminate it's members by allowing some to abuse the process, or investigating a previous member of the executive who was asked to resign and then turn a blind eye on this past election.
David Muwanga
UNAA Electoral Commissioner.
Ugandan North America Association . 1337 Massachusetts Avenue . Suite 153 . Arlington. MA . 02476Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.org
Ugandan North America Association6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.org
Ugandan North America Association
6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659
Email: info@unaa.org
Ugandan North America Association
6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659
Email: info@unaa.org
Ugandan North America Association
6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659
Email: info@unaa.org
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