{UAH} Resignation
Liz and Jon,
I might be wrong but given the fact that the Council doesn't meet but makes decisions via email, I didn't think she left because she had no time for UNAA. Their meetings involve just looking at an email as see what Mr Wakou has told them to agree to. Therefore, I bet one can do Council work in 5 seconds as they wait for a cup of coffee!
But we can thank her for her time to UNAA but also reflect on the consequences of her resignation. right? That is why I mentioned that I expected msgs of regret.
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
From: "jonathonssemanda@hotmail.com" <jonathonssemanda@hotmail.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 3:10 PM
Subject: UNAALIST Resignation
Well said Liz!
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Alternatively, we can say
Congratulations Yvette on this great sounding new opportunity in your career. Your volunteerism to serve on the UNAA Council in the first place was very much appreciated and hopefully, you will continue to serve in UNAA in other ways!
LizOn Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 12:59 AM, Joseph Musoke <joseph.musoke@ymail.com> wrote:
Ok, this is NOT April 1st (fools day)....so I bet this is for real!But it has been quiet for the past hour...I assumed I'd see msgs of regret, as well as msgs of celebration!Can the resignation be rejected? Can she change her mind her resignation is "accepted"?Are the two sides just hunkering down (on conference calls) to assess the impact of this resignation?So where does this resignation leave us, as far the current in-fighting on the Council/BoT/Executive is concerned?Does the EC do a "Wakou" and appoint someone to replace Ms Kibwika?Do the concerned parties look at this as a God-given sign to start thinking of amicable resolution of the differences?Is there a shift in the balance of power?Should we expect resurrected petitions against Mr Awichu?Should we expect the Executive to reach out to the San Diego community that bid for the convention?Was Ms Kibwika's resignation effective immediately?Should we expect expedited "Wakou Council" votes on things like 2015 host city and the 2014 budget?ahhhhhh so many questions!For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
From: "y.kibwika@gmail.com" <y.kibwika@gmail.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2013 9:33 PM
Subject: UNAALIST Resignation
Per the UNAA constitution,
Consider this as my untimely resignation. Thank you for your time and allowing me to serve you. I've decided to make use of my time and focus on my blossoming career. I have been selected for an opportunity that will not allow me the time to act in the capacity of a UNAA Council Member. I hope that the members in my region consider rising up to the occasion and represent themselves on the UNAA Council.To the current CM's ... Good luck ! Make the most of 2014 and put your differences aside.7.14: Resignation: Notice of resignation by a member of the UNAA Council shall be in writing and mailed to the Speaker of the Council, with copies to the President of the Association, the Vice-President, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and the full members of the Association resident in the region that the Council Member represents.
Please forward any CM business to the UNAA Council Speaker - Nicholas WakouWith grace,Yvette M KibwikaUgandan North America Association6257 N Mccormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association6257 N Mccormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association6257 N Mccormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659Email: info@unaa.org
Ugandan North America Association
6257 N Mccormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659
Email: info@unaa.org
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