Fellow journalists, as a result of forcing the then President of UJA the late Vicky Mukasa to resign, followed by death of Vice President, Notti Mwesigwa and Secretary General , Canary Mugisha, l, as Treasurer took charge and convened a General Assembly at Gaba Beach, with the help of the then former Vice President Tamale Mirundi and other volunteers like Harina Kanaabi and Siraj Lubwama. That was the election that brought in Tamale Mirundi as President, myself as Vice President, Haruna Kanaabi as Secretary General, Juliet Kakeeto as Treasurer, Siraj Lubwama, as Organising Secretary, and others.
In 1996, Ann Mugisa had been elected Assistant Secretary General, but under 1993 Constitution, the order of precedence was; President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Organising Secretary etc….
Under the new constitution that was enacted on Wednesday December 18th 2013 and proclaimed on Thursday December 19th 2013, the order of precedence is; President, Vice President, Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General, Treasurer, Organising Secretary etc….
So in case the outgoing President Mr. Joshua Kyalimpa is unable to convene a General Assembly for General election, and the Vice President Herbert Lumansi and Secretary General Mulindwa resigned, the outgoing Assistant Secretary General, who was the Acting Secretary General, even during the two day General Assembly, Fred Kateregga, and the outgoing Organising Secretary Mr. Ronald Kato, can declare day, date, venue and time of the General Assembly on behalf of the outgoing executive committee.
Any delaying tactics will create a vacuum for impostors, which will be at the advantage of any individual or a clique of a few individuals that are reluctant to relinquish power of UJA leadership.
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