SV: {UAH} NRM Oyeee as Parts of Adjumani hospital unsafe for use - experts
A couple of weeks ago you asked if it were the governments role to create jobs.
Now, I would like you to observe closely this Ajumani Hospital case along with all similar
cases from other dilapidated hospitals (like Gulu, Lira etc) and schools and, all other
government / public facilities around the country.
Please do that observation from a job creation aspect because I would like to usethat perspective
in illustrations to answer you that, YES IT IS THE GOVERNMENTS ROLE TO
I am tight on something but I'll be coming with my viewpoint on how the government creates
job and job opportunities through laws.
Noc'la gaumoy
Den lördag, 4 januari 2014 8:45 skrev Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>:
BarigyeThis is the truck on a hospital belonging to a government of very educated people, and I opine that during Iddi Amin government stand up and blame the man all you need, but this kind of a truck would have never been an ambulance, and for a very good reason, you see un educated as Ali Towilli was he would look at this truck and understand only one thing, you who ever abandoned it this way have only one agenda, to remove the president from power, the rest of it would be history. But because now we have educated people in power, those that George Okelo wants me to join, because we have those that are educated as Edward Pojim wants me to become, this is what you have in Uganda. Fellow Ugandans I am appealing to you all to stand up with me and we raise up and shut down all firkin schools in Uganda for what they produce for us is exactly this. The hospitals we have in Uganda are un repairable what you need is to demolish all of them and rebuild brand new ones.Get educated my back isle. GeezEM
On the 49thThé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"From: [] On Behalf Of Allan
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 9:40 PM
To: U-A-H
Subject: {UAH} NRM Oyeee as Parts of Adjumani hospital unsafe for use - expertsDilapidated ambulances at Kayunga hospital. Ambulances counrtywide break down for several months without repair. PHOTO BY STEPHEN OTAGE,ADJUMANI- A joint team from the Ministry of Health and the Belgian Technical Cooperation has declared parts of Adjumani hospital "unfit for harbouring human beings".The condemned structures which have cracks on the walls include the out-patient department, the hospital boardroom and maternity ward. The team advised the hospital administration to cordon off the areas to avoid loss of lives in case the structures collapsed.A preliminary report availed to the hospital management showed that the soil texture cannot carry the weight of the structure, and that there was a problem with the design. The team recommended that the affected parts of the structure be demolished before general renovation takes place.Adjumani hospital receives at least 600 people at the out-patient department daily, while on average the facility receives about 150 new-born babies monthly.Dr Dominic Drametu, the Adjumani hospital medical superintendent, said they have tried their best to move patients away from the affected rooms to adjacent places but most of the patients have remained defiant. "I urged the concern authorities to come to our aid because prevention is better than cure," Dr Drametu said.Defiant
Ms Christine Ajuo, a patient at the hospital, said: "I refused to relocate to the new place which they were directing us because it is worse than where we are now."Ms Jessica Ababiku, the Adjumani District Woman MP, promised to make a follow up. "I will follow up this matter with relevant authorities before the cracks extend to other parts of the structure," she said.Some district officials are now asking whether the money was worth the quality of the work done.--*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987
*"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violentrevolution inevitable"**… *J.F Kennedy
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