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{UAH} Its High time all stakeholders and leaders in their capacity to work together to solve Youth Unemployment in the Country

By Peter Marco

Its High time all stakeholders and leaders in their capacity to work together to solve Youth Unemployment in the Country 

When you read reports that come out every time by different organisation, institutions, government department, UN government organisation and employment sectors, they do give different figures on the rate of Unemployment among the youth in the country. 

Has you know that Uganda as the largest number of youth in the Whole World and the number is still growing according to Africa Development Indicators report of 2012/2013. The issue of youth Unemployment must be the forefront policy by the Government to try and solve the problem before it's out of control.

Due to increased and UN control population in the country the number of youth is overtaking the elders who are not demanding for work, the job creation schemes must match the increased number of youth who are demanding for jobs.

The truth is all of us regardless political position, religious, culture, business or education capacity we have let down the young general by not advising, directing, assisting, encouraging, helping, protecting and caring about the younger generation who are the leaders of tomorrow. 

When you read between the lines you see that due to political division and misunderstanding among the people responsible, who are fighting different wars for their personal gain while the real issues are being side-lined.

With politicians being entrusted with power, authority and leadership to act on people's problems they tend to only look at their personal interest not the National or Voters interest.

The country needs to act now to stop the problem from skyrocketing which can be the biggest problem in years to come, we need to address the issue and act on it regardless political, religious, culture or tribal interest but for the future generation and for the good of our mother Uganda and the Nation at large.

You can argue that the government has taken action but it's too little and not effective in one way or another. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development which is responsible for the Youth, as not performed according to the needs and the challenges that the youth face and the direction they must take.      

Why do youth go to Betting shop in the early hours of morning and they leave the shop at midnight, too me that does make sense at all, which is misguiding to them because they need direction from their peers.   I was reading a story about Julius Abigaba  26 years old walking into a betting shop in Wandegeya, a suburb of Kampala. He is a development studies graduate from Makerere University, he lost his bet when Manchester United's loss to Everton the report in the Guardian Newspaper UK on Thursday 16 January 2014, says that he cannot find work so he goes to bet to get some money to use. What about the story of a man in Iganga Henry Dhabasani who has five children, made a bet on Arsenal winning against Man United, he lost his house and car in such away.

The youth must be directed by the department of Gender, Labour and Social Development, how to use their money and which development programmes can help them.   Why the youth who have little and no jobs are the one going to different concert every time the musicians lunches an album.  Why the one without work are the same youth going clubbing from one night club to another every weekend.

One will wonder they are the one in pubs watching premier league matches every weekend while they do not have any income coming in and any future job.

To me I think the Government must come in now and act to stop the youth from being responsible in order to hope for a better future, they need advice on job creation schemes and money saving tactics to help them start a new life than looking in one direction GET RICH QUICK AND SPEND IT ALL.

The Government must help the youth by explaining to them the good things in not over spending money and getting skills that will help them in future than going in betting shops ,nightclubs, drinking, concerts and changing love partners how they like.

This system of copying everything they see needs to be addressed to see that they only copy or admire what is developmental, not what is not educative. They can enjoy leisure time but it must be accordingly and not excess as they are doing.

But action cannot be taken by the Government a lone all stakeholders and people with power, authority and leadership must take action. The Church, Mosque, Temples and other places of worship must help in informing the Youth and educating them how they can hope for a better future. Culture leaders must act on Youth Unemployment and help to create jobs in there capacity.      

Politicians mainly opposition members the problem of youth unemployment is not for the Government a lone it's something that you must act on and advise the Government where needed and see that action is taken to solve the problem.

Political Parties must come together regardless of Political interest to act of the problem which needs action now before it's too late, people must know that we can act to solve the problem in order to leave in a wonderful and developmental country.  

According to Africa Development Indicators (ADI) and World Bank,youth unemployment in Uganda at 83 per cent. Youth here being people between 15 and 24 years.

Action Aid International Uganda (AAIU), Uganda National NGO Forum and Development Research and Training (DRT).Youth unemployment is 62% and increasing, the figures are worrying to anyone and I think there is no one who will not think about this in his or her capacity as a citizen of Uganda.

The solution must be to act on the problem before its worse than what we know now.

Let the Ministry increase on job creation scheme of the youth in the country.

More action on Micro saving schemes to see that they can lend money to the youth who want to start their own business at low rate and help them to save,

There is a need to revisit betting and gambling laws to see that the industry can be transparent while helping the youth in day to day work,

The need by government to create tax free schemes to industries and factories that employment and big number of youth,

The Government must introduce apprenticeship scheme to see that employers train and employ the youth with new skills.

Politicians must monitor the Government Youth Project and see that they are working accordingly in order to create new jobs for the youth. 

Improvement of Technical institutions that can help in educating the youth in job creation schemes like building, brick making, mechanical skills, computer skills and other self-employment skills needed.  

The Ministry of Gender must advise the youth how to enjoy leisure time, drinking of excess alcohol, day and night clubbing and action on reckless betting which is costing a lot of money.

The youth must learn to work not to expect to get reach quick and stop copying foreign culture some which is not productive to them. 

Government must see that institutions do educate the youth according to the demand in the given field so that skills and education does not go to waste and UN wanted.

The need to improve on agriculture, tourism, modern market building, reducing foreign employment in order to see that local jobs go to local youth.

If we wake up now and we act this will be something good that the Country will be proud of due to the revenue and money that we will get when many youth work and pay taxes which will increase on development in the country. 

We cannot let people take advantage of the youth who are the future of tomorrow due to lack of jobs and hope of a better life. We must act together regardless of our differences for a better Uganda and Solve Youth Unemployment in the Country.

Written by   Peter Marco


Abbey Kibirige  Semuwemba

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