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{UAH} Within Russians, Americans & Chinese in our midst; what's the future for Ug?

 Somewhere you insinuate in the guise of UPDF and SPLA, it were Russian pilots who manned the Su-30 jets to kill S. Sudanese (..we have no reason to dispute this). However, our concerns are: (i) could the Americans then be right to demand a Ugandan (UPDF) withdraw so Russians are clearly exposed? (2) Will then Washington be able to go ahead with her allegedly planned Africcommand base in SS with  Russians and Chinese within the precincts of Juba? (3) And where does it leave the opportunistic M7 (you know he, like many on this platform, had expected Washington to cheer him on as he claimed to be containing the 'chauvinists' Arabs above 11-degrees North of the Equator....but was surprised by a cold response from the Obama admin.  (3) Most critically for us, though, is how does M7 plan to balance these superpowers who have squarely brought their games in our midst (note that most Ugandans-youth especially, are deliberately made to cast a not-concerned attitude and instead are indulged in sport-betting, European football (not local KCCA FC or VUSC neither Express FC or Villa SC) .(4) Note that Tullow oil, even after recent agreements is considering disposing of majority of its 33% interests in Ugandan in favor of what it considers 'more progressive' investment opportunities in the Kenyan oil industry. (5) But delving deeper into this Tullow oil plan, it could be because we (Uganda) are on verge of inking a deal with Russian state oil company to build a 60,000 barrel/day refinery. (6) In addition to a refinery, Beijing's CNOOC would build more oil-propelled energy dams--all including hydro-Karuma dam to be paid for from crude, premuim oil proceeds in future.   

(7) So if Americans may not be comfortable with Chinese and Russian eyes on how they go about their long overdue Africom base in South Sudan, will they be with the same eyes close by in Uganda?  (8) What then does the future hold for this country? Have all Ugandans chosen to relegate the country to a one man show? (9) Certainly, let no one deceive anyone; M7 won't manage it alone. He needs, fast to rally the entire country behind him and by concession not coercion, and secondly he has to acknowledge the fact that he is not a monopoly of knowledge or vision for what is/or not good for this country.
(10) Did cabinet really sanction sh120 for UPDF mission in South Sudan in view of what has been spent so far (nearly two months since deployment) or to continue spending even after the planned withdraw in two months time? (11) Or this is just to canopy inquisitions into who exactly has been sponsoring our army in S. Sudan--since its clear neither us nor South Sudan has has been doing so , given our sorry resources to sustain such a campaign indefinitely just as we couldn't do it in Somalia? (12) if that be the case, that we are just hired for these foreign missions, has then our army been reduced to a mercenary outfit? Critical issues we suppose.   

Abubakar Ssematimba,
Research Dept, Jeema

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