A few hours to a day ago; you posted Betty Kamya's interview, which i have failed to retrieve, but she was very eloquent and dealt with the interview very well. I was pleased that she pointed out the weakness of the opposition, particularly that of the UPC which is obsessed with the political status. I do remember rebuking Okello Lucima on the same, a foolhardy who has very little regard to anyone's opinion especially, if its from a political minnow like ourselves.
I believe Betty Kamya is on the ball. She has called on the opposition to join her drive the referendum agenda forward, in order to side track M7 and NRM. In effect, if the plan went ahead, we could bring the 2016 election to a painful halt. The question is, will the rest of the opposition heed? I don't think so. As the saying goes; sadly, a leopard never changes its spots. Whatever the case, UFA is going ahead as planned to rally the masses for a referendum, as confirmed by Betty Kamya in the interview.
The DP party is equally in the quagmire. The party chief seem so contented with being in opposition, just like his predecessor, Dr Semmogerere. Mao does not have a clue what an opposition leader should do. I want to hear condemn the NRM for arresting its members for a crime with no name, abuse of power, misuse of police time etc because ultimately, the arrested NRM members are citizen first and foremost and they should not be subjected to police harassment.
What can i say about Muntu? except that he is the biggest joke this side of the century. A spineless leader, who should have remained in NRM and kept his head low. Anyway, we will see whether he too, will shy away from Betty Kamya's call. Should it be the case, then God knows whether there will be any credible party left in Ugandan politics other than the UFA, come 2016. My recent statement that UFA will be the main opposition after the referendum of election is shaping up nicely.
While I wait for Odonga Otto to become fully fledged federalist, i shall call upon those who love Uganda, to reflect on their apathy towards politics especially, the federal agenda.
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