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{UAH} Boosting Productivity & Building Confidence

On Tuesday, 21 January 2014, 2:08, Self Improvement Newsletter <> wrote:
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1/20/14 issue:   Boosting Productivity & Building Confidence
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* Self Improvement and Personal Growth Weekly Newsletter *
Issue #802, Week of January 20-21, 2014
Publisher: David Riklan -

In this issue:

-- Quotes of the Week
-- Recommended Resource of the Week
-- Article:
Delegator: How to Get 48 Hours' Work Out of Every Day - By Dr. Ken Odiwé
-- Article: Self-Esteem and Our Children - By Anne Marie Ferris
-- Book Review: Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything - By Iyanla Vanzant
-- How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from this Newsletter

*** Quotes of the Week ***
He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear. - Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882
It is the familiar that usually eludes us in life. What is before our noses is what we see last. - William Barrett, 1913-1992
Heaven never helps the man who will not act. - Sophocles, 496 BC-406 BC

*** Recommended Resource of the Week ***
* Make Him Love & Cherish You Forever Using This "1 Secret Trick" *
If you ever felt like you could never get the attention, affection or commitment of the man you love, read closely.

Did you know that there's a secret love switch in a man's mind that when you flip it, you will awaken his unbridled passion for you?

He will move mountains, slay dragons just to be with you, to please you, to make you his forever. Finally, you will get the man & the relationship of your dreams.

WATCH VIDEO: "1 Secret Trick" to Trigger His Love & Unbridled Passion
Make Him Love & Cherish You Forever Using This

*** Article: Delegator: How to Get 48 Hours' Work Out of Every Day - By Dr. Ken Odiwé ***
To be a successful entrepreneur, you must be willing to delegate. You must understand delegation isn't just about dropping the work you don't want to do onto others; it's about identifying which tasks are best managed on your own and which are best assigned to others. It's about managing the work others perform on your behalf. It's about ensuring that the people who work with and for you are in the best positions to get the job done efficiently and effectively. And, most of all, it's about freeing yourself up to concentrate on the more challenging or pressing tasks--the key decisions that will determine the success or failure of your business ventures and, of course, the things at which you excel.

If you can learn to become an effective delegator, your productive capacity will improve. Just as importantly, so will the productive capacity of the people to whom you delegate. Everyone in whom you place your trust will be able to expand their knowledge base, thereby improving their ability to contribute to the overall business.

So, with all of that in mind, here's how to delegate effectively.
** To read the full article, go here.

*** Article: Self-Esteem and Our Children - By Anne Marie Ferris ***
Our kids have so much choice these days. It certainly is a different world they find themselves in to that of say, 20 or 30 years ago. We had no internet, no MTV, no cell phones, iPads or Facebook. They have more opportunities for education, travel and all the benefits of modern technology. But are they equipped to handle the challenges of this new, fast-paced world? Does more fun necessarily mean more happiness and contentment? I'm not so sure.

And yet we know that if some of us had just had more self-confidence then perhaps we would have made some better choices too. So how can we adults best lead our kids to make good, healthy choices for themselves?

** To read the full article, go here.

* Make Him Love & Cherish You Forever Using This "1 Secret Trick" *
If you ever felt like you could never get the attention, affection or commitment of the man you love, read closely.

Did you know that there's a secret love switch in a man's mind that when you flip it, you will awaken his unbridled passion for you?

He will move mountains, slay dragons just to be with you, to please you, to make you his forever. Finally, you will get the man & the relationship of your dreams.

WATCH VIDEO: "1 Secret Trick" to Trigger His Love & Unbridled Passion
Make Him Love & Cherish You Forever Using This

*** Book Review: Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything - By Iyanla
Vanzant ***

Too many of us feel trapped in stagnant romantic, family, or workplace relationships. Weighed down by toxic thoughts and emotions, we might be quick to judge and slow to pardon, and self-righteous about our feelings as we dwell on memories of what we or others did (or failed to do).

With Iyanla's 21-Day Forgiveness Plan, you'll explore relationship dynamics with your parents, children, friends, partners, co-workers, bosses, yourself, and even God. With journaling work and Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as "tapping"), you'll learn to live with more love; gain new clarity on your life, lessons, and blessings; and discover a new level of personal freedom, peace, and well-being.

Forgiveness doesn't mean agreeing with, condoning, or even liking what has happened. Forgiveness means letting go and knowing that--regardless of how challenging, frightening, or difficult an experience may seem--everything is just as it needs to be in order for you to grow and learn.

The list price of this book is $17.95. To purchase it from at a price of $14.71, an 18% discount, go here.

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Self Improvement Online, Inc.
1130 Campus Drive West
Morganville, NJ 07751

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Permission is granted to reproduce or distribute this newsletter only in its entirety and provided copyright is acknowledged.

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