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{UAH} Building strong institutions and appropriate systems for Uganda

The post-NRM regime must strive to construct strong and capable institutions and appropriate governance systems taking into account Uganda's history and changing circumstances. The separation of powers among the center, regions, districts and counties must be designed properly taking into consideration divergent needs and capabilities and providing safeguards to prevent abuse of power at any level, drawing on experience of others.

At the central level, the separation of powers among the legislative, executive and judicial branches must be reestablished and sustained to act as checks and balances on the activities of other branches, maintaining the independence of each branch at all times.  These arrangements must be enshrined in the constitution so that one party does not unilaterally make changes without the consent of others.

Uganda under one person as president hasn't worked well. We need to establish a presidential team until circumstances change. During the Roman Republic there were two consuls to avoid abuse of power until Julius Caesar became sole consul or dictator (one ruler) that contributed to his assassination.

Institutions and systems must be underpinned by capable and patriotic leadership – leadership that has passed the test on expertise, experience and above all character as well as commitment to serving community interests. There must be proven evidence of performance at the domestic and/or international level. Learning on the job is a thing of the past. Uganda has witnessed what damage it can do to a country and her people. It must not be repeated.


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