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During the 1996 presidential elections, Uganda's intelligence services were preoccupied with ensuring that President Museveni retains the Presidency. The centre of focus had been on Buganda where it was feared that either Sulaiman Kigundu or Mulwanyamuli Semwogerere could vie for the presidency. Above all, it had been feared that the Itongwa rebellion was a reflection of the Buganda/Tinyefuza alliance. As it turned out, its only DP's Paulo Semogerere who showed up and gave Museveni an easy sail through. 

In the meantime an armed group was able to be recruited from Uganda, trained, assembled and invaded from accross the border in Congo. Within hours of overunning the Bwera border post in Kasese, the invaders intended to take control of the Katunguru bridge on the Kazinga Channel. The then NRA Mbarara based 2nd Division Commander Col. Peter Kerim took a personal innitiative to contain an embarrassing situation. Unknown to the NRA, the ADF had set up a wider newwork in the region to cover the districts of Kasese, Fort Portal, Kibaale, Hoima, Bundibugyo, Kamwenge, Ibanda and parts of Bushenyi. Earlier on, another armed group affliated to the Tabliq Islamic sect had been flashed out of Buseruka enclave in Hoima district but no follow up had been made. 

Throughout 1997 and 1998, the NRA fought serious battles with the ADF in those areas. Charles Angina was the first Commander to head the counter insurgency operations against ADF. Kazini who was by now the Chief of Staff delibarately undermined Angina's efforts by denying him the necessary resources. For example Angina would use the local civillian population to carry the NRA supplies up the mountainous terrain upon a smaller pay. The ADF who had mastered the terrain gained upperhand and expanded its operations to cover a wider area. With no success in sight for the NRA, the local population had allmost started switching sides in favour of the ADF. Following the Kicwamba massacre allegedly by ADF, the NRA decided to follow up the ADF bases inside Congo. Angina was replaced by Muhesi who led the the first group of NRA into Congo. Shortly after, Kazini took up the assignment as the overall Commander of the NRA operations in Congo. 

At the same time he remained the Chief of Staff. The NRA Statute had designated the office of the Chief of Staff as purely for administrative purposes as opposed to field operations. That is how NRA's longest serving Chief of Staff, Brig Sam Nanyumba, given his background had managed to survive by not poking his nose into NRA's field operations or would risk allegations of being subversive. Cheif Ali had replaced Nanyumba after being undermined by Kazini in the 4th Division in Gulu where the later took over as the 4th Division Commander. Cheif Alis's other crime had been to make a public statement that "the war against the LRA can only be won through prayers to God". But Still as Chief of Staff, Cheif Ali was accused of organising arms for subversive activities. Kaziini used Cheif Ali's Aide de Camp (ADC) then Lt Nuwe Kyepaka to substanciate fabrications before Museveni. Museveni had historical doubts with Cheif Ali right from the time he had left FRONASA to join the Gang of Four. Cheif Ali a reknown military genious and political mobiliser had exelled in diffusing the insurgency in the eastern region. He had forged a close working relationship with his long time Division I.O, Charles Angina in both 2nd Div in Fort Portal and 3rd Div in Mbale. Here was the same Charles Angina leadingoperations in Rwenzori when Cheif Ali was the Chief of Staff. Museveni dropped Cheif Ali and Kaziini took over as the Chief of Staff and because he had Museveni's confidence, the role was expanded to include oveseeing field operations.

In 1996, Rwanda with minimal support from Uganda had invaded Congo, surpressed the Hutu insurgents and overthrown Zaires Mobutu and installed Kabila. In 1998 Kabila had disowned the support from from his backers and told them to leave. Rwanda had reacted by ochestrating a Banyamulenge uprising in the eastern DRC under the umbrella of Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD). The Rwanda backed RCD had taken control of much of eartern DRC including Kisangani. Rwanda moved southwards to concentrate on the Kindu/Mbuji Mai axis leaving the NRA to cover the Kisangani sector. Upon entering Congo the NRA forgot about ADF but moved stright to as far as Kisangani. There was no single encounter with ADF in Congo but instead Kazini's Chief Clerk was taken hostage by ADF when he was on Kazini's private errands. The NRA Congo operation was codenamed Operation Safe Heven (OSH) with Kazini as the oveall Commander. He remained the Chief of staff and with Museveni's blessing, he had all the resources at his disposal. The then Army Commander, JJ Odong was just a figure head at the time. The ADF tactically suspended its fieldoperations, retained its bases in the Congo but became active in urban terrorism.


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