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{UAH} Bereaucrats relegate Africans to Misery and Poverty

The problem is that there are very weak law regime implementation on matters of urban policy, investment and regulation on the African continent. Where the laws exist they are not implemented at all or implementers are grave thieves.

Africans should take a lesson in urban infrastructure development and investment . That will save them a lot of time fighting poverty. These s called politician can't even imagine the agricultural epoch in Africa is rapid becoming less vital to economic growth. African people have new needs and wants not living in small villages.

There is also a confusion to take mainstream economics and development studies as real development tools, which they are not, rather than being tools of analysis.

I can't understand how a mere word bank economist flies all the way from NY land in  small African cities to rip you million of dollars in urban investment! Then who trained that African economist who can't stop the stealing unless s/he is damn-witted stupid and unethical.

As matter of fact African politicians have not cared a little bit to invest in urban infrastructures: road infrastructure, transport systems, communication systems , commercial and residential housing hence slum development.

You tax these investment yet they are also create job vacancies.

 If politicians and policy makers are weak in those areas, it implies therefore their own population are going to remain in despondence and misery and can't transcend misery and poverty through technological innovations.

The Africa people are relegate to the lowest levels of primitivity by their own bureaucrats and politicians, for the people can't innovate, generate new technologies or elevate themselves from their own misery.

Cities and towns in Africa generate thousand tonnes of waste and garbage but this too can't be used to generate electricity.  All these infrastructures are money generating public investment where one penny will generate tens of pennies.


Dr. Mohammad Qasim

Motivational & Success Speaker/ Urban and Development Planner

Let me provide some more insights to the issue of planning. Infrastructure and capital development planning is conducted most often by Consultant Planners hired, funded and imported by the World Bank, IMF, ADB, and similar loan agencies. These agencies provides loans which are listed as Aid. However, these planners have one goal and that is to make sure that plans must fail.
According to WB officials, they clearly mentioned in one of the meeting discussions, that we are bankers and our business is not planning rather it is providing funds and then in case of failure more funds. This is how we operate. Then WB has no interest in plans success whatsoever. Simple rule is that the country must hire their own planners. Which is the great scarcity.
Then we have another issue which is that majority of the students reaching to the West for education is that they seek degrees in business, computers and political sciences. Planning is a rare discipline for African and Asian students. And even for those who return with planning degrees there are no jobs because of the competition of unskilled but gazetted government officials. Thus the end product is failed plans and added loan burdens. I hope this makes sense.
I have written a book on the subject which is available at Amazon and many book stores. The title is "MENECRACY". This is a new term and anyone interested in learning more can secure a copy of the same.

Motivational & Success Speaker/ Urban and Development Planner

Basic problem in Africa and Third World is not the Planning rather it is a fiasco between the appointed and recruited government officials. they are recruited for life with basic degrees and then they have varied training and on the job work experiences. They feel to be the experts and are the main hurdle in Urban Planning in these countries. Now your urban planning degree from the West is a threat to their lifelong so called experience and work ethics. Then there is a huge network of Civil Engineers and Architects. They have taken the stride on labeling them as Urban/ Town planners. Therefore what one sees in the African and Asian as well as Middle Eastern cities is the work of art of these bureaucrats and poorly skilled civil engineers.--

Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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