{UAH} Health in our Ugandan Communities - Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the FODMAP Diet
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As a person who travels way too much, and consequently tends to eat whatever and whenever, I am occasionally bothered by a pain in my lower abdominal area. Indeed, at one point I very seriously feared the possibility of cancer and immediately visited my doctor. After various tests, which included a very uncomfortable endoscopy, my doctor allayed my greatest fears and diagnosed a case of "irritable bowel syndrome" - for which he prescribed some medicine. Now while this did indeed make me feel better, I decided to do a little research on the matter and came across an article from the Digestive Health Center at the Stanford University Hospital and Clinics on "The Low FODMAP Diet."
I tried this diet for a while and my ailments did indeed all go away. But as I continued to travel all over the place, my diet plan kind of fell by the way side and the symptoms came back. For those who may have experienced similar discomforts at some time, I can attest that while it might temporarily ease other ailments, Heineken is not an appropriate cure for this particular problem.
Please follow the attached link for more information about "Irritable bowel syndrome" and the FODMAP Diet.
Moses Wilson
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