{UAH} Fwd.ed, To Ug.-Torontonians, p'se PRAY! over the CRACKed up issue here...
Ug.-Torontonians, p'se Stop quarrelling over
'the' cracked up issue & PRAY! to Allah-God
for best mayorial CRACK conflict solutions
(it's most important for families & for the city)
ThankU concerned g-villagers for prayer support.
Ref., Excerpt from developments of this week -
Declaration by Rob Ford in latest drunken stupor:
I'd like to "f---ing jam" mayoral candidate Karen Stintz.
Ford announced late Wednesday May 1, 2014, that he would be temporarily stepping down from office to seek treatment for alcohol addiction, though a public statement made no mention the use of drugs, including crack cocaine.
"I have tried to deal with these issues by myself over the past year. I know that I need professional help and I am now 100% committed to getting myself right," Ford said in a statement.
Ford was spotted by reporters leaving his Etobicoke home early this morning with passport documents, suggesting whatever treatment or solace Ford is seeking will south of the border.
A new video reportedly showing Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine will become part of an ongoing police investigation, according to reports that follow the explosive revelation that Ford had temporarily stepped down and is seeking treatment for substance abuse issues.
The video, which has been viewed by two reporters at the Globe and Mail, was reportedly shot last weekend in the basement of Ford's sister's home and shows the mayor "taking a drag from a long copper-coloured pipe, exhaling a cloud of smoke and then frantically shaking his right hand."
The video was show to the reporters by a man who described himself as a drug dealer and said it was crack the mayor was smoking from the pipe. - End of excerpts.
Have Your Say.
Mayoral candidate Karen Stintz: "I am disappointed by the misogynistic language used by Mayor Ford. There is no place in this city for sexism or homophobia, especially in the mayor's office. We need a mayor that can lead collaboratively, build communities and be a role model for our kids…. The only people who can remove Rob Ford from office are the people of Toronto. I have faith in the people of this city"
Rob Ford's Mother Diane Ford, via CP24: "It is a sad day. It is a bittersweet day, really. I don't really want to talk about it. ... I had no idea that it was as serious as it was. He doesn't live with me, so I have no idea what he does every minute of every day."
Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly, now acting mayor: "I have complete confidence that my colleagues will continue doing the good work that they are doing on behalf of all Torontonians. Finally, on behalf of my self, council and Toronto Public Service, I would like to convey our best wishes to the mayor and his family as he gets the help that he is seeking."
Mayoral candidate John Tory: "On a personal level, I am relieved Mayor Ford is getting help. My thoughts are with the Ford family. Like Torontonians across the city, I am deeply disappointed by these revelations of Mayor Ford's behaviour. For the good of the city, I call on Mayor Ford to resign.
Mayoral candidate David Soknacki: "Rob Ford is not just a bad mayor. He is also a disgrace. Toronto can't wait until October 27th. It is time for Rob Ford to resign, immediately."
Mayoral candidate Olivia Chow: "I was angry and disappointed that he was making offensive remarks against women, this time against Ms. Stintz. Very hurtful remarks. And once again internationally he is making headlines, and not for good reasons. Not for making our city proud. ... I am sure that everyone in this city will join with me and hope that as a person he recovers. Recovers from his sickness and illness and his addiction.
"However, as a mayor it is too late. He had his chance. Last year, everyone said he needs to take responsibility, he needs to get help. He didn't do so. It is too late for him to take a leave of absence. That's why in October, the residence of this city will issue a verdict on Mr. Ford and they will have a new mayor."
Ontario P.M. Kathleen Wayne: "This has been a distraction in the city for a long time. I've been dealing with Deputy Mayor (Norm) Kelly since he was given decision-making authority by the city. I think that was the right decision."
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath: Rob Ford's comments are offensive and hurtful. I hope rehab will be his first step towards taking responsibility for his words and actions.
Coun. Janet Davis: "I don't think he can recover from the disgrace that he has brought on himself and the City of Toronto."
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