Well, he has his reason....Odonga Otto attacks Oulanyah's duplicity as a Langi and Acholi and Acholi and Langi, as the situations suits....me not so much educated about the Speaker's 'tribe', where by proximity or migration...TRIBE or any other natural belonging should not be a basis for judging an individual. NONE OF US EVER HAD A SAY ON WHERE, WHEN, WHO, HOW, they were born. Thus artificial creations should neither be against us nor favour us, the way we tend to demand RIGHTS based on birth.
My only recollection on which I fault Oulanyah is his vehement opposition to M7 all his MUK days, ONLY TO TURN-COAT. His buddy and contemporary Mao has remained true to himself. Mao was DP and Guild President. Oulanyah was UPC and Guild Speaker. He actually earned sponsorhsip to study Law out of sympathy by Whites after Police clobbered him while opposing M7. Some bad joke is that he was carried to Mulago with his intestines in a kaveera!!! This is the time RPF had crossed to liberate their Motherland and Oulanyah's favourite cry was M7 should follow his brothers( same African crap of 'tribe and origin)!!
Well, there was neither You-tube nor Twitter then, but some hard archives can testify to this.
AND THIS IS NOT ONLY ABOUT OULANYAH....LEADERS, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE....Words are very sweet to spew out, but very sour to swallow back!!!
Sandra Birungi
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