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{UAH} Another very successful week at the Vatican!

Pope Francis continues as ever to collect distinctions in all his effort to lead the
Church to transparency and to initiate courageous stands for peace for mankind.
Wednesday June 4, 2014 was his weekly general audience in St Peter's Square.
An estimated 150,000 pilgrims, tourists and Romans turned up for the occasion.
Nuimbers came from France, Switzerland, England, Scotland, Zimbabwe, Canada,
Germany, spain, Portugal, Poland, the Middle East, and the entire Latin America!
He spoke to the vast masses on the Holy Spirit's gift of piety which unites us in joy
or in sorrow, etc.. He advised the faithful nevedr to keep away from it.

Then yesterday ( 08. 06. 2014 ) came the Pentecost Sunday with its usual record
crowds. The Pope president over Mass in St Peter's Basilica before an attendance
estimated at over 40,000 pilgrims. In his homily he stated that the Holy Spirit reminds
the failthful of Christ's message and that without the Holy Spirit there is no mission
nor evangelization ! At noon when the Pope appeared in the window of his study to
address crowds in the Square and recite with them the Regina Caeli prayer another
150,000 had already assembled in spite of the Roman June heat.He spoke to them about
the nature of the Church that must come from the strength of the Holy Spirit : a Church which
must take to surprises in order to advance! He amused the crowds when he noted that a Church
which has no occasion for creating a surprise is a weak Chuch which must be taken to hospital !
In anticipation of the day's historic meeting wat the Vatican with both the leaders of Israel and
Palestine, there were in the crowds very many Palestinian national flags! And the Pope on his part
requested the faithful to pray for the success of the great reunion!

Indeed the very great historic reunion which started at 6.30 pm ( Rome Time ) with the arrival of both
Israeli and Palestinian delegations to the Pope's Vatican appartment in St Marthe's Residence.
After the welcome protocol the Pope together with his visitors and the Patriarch of Constantinople boarded
a minibus that drove them to the Vatican Gardens where reunion in form of prayer was held. On the spot was
already assembled dozens of other notable personalities who included a high-powered Vatican delegation,
backers of the Israeli and Palestinian delegations and three choirs, one for each religious group present.
A young lady acting as master of ceremonies explained the motive of the meeting and its expected procedure.
Then she called on the Jewish team to start their prayers (Jews first because they are the oldest of the three)
they briefly asked the Almighty god to give peace to the world, and real true peace without anyu division!
When the turn of Christians came, it was brilliant Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah, Vatican's president of the
Cor Unum Council ( responsible for charities ) who led the prayers. This cardinal has always been known for his
openness towards other faiths, in particular Islam. He reminded that all were brothers and sisters and the Lord was
their God. He prayed that Christians get to know the usefulness of forgiveness and also get to ignore marginalization
of other faiths and avoid dominating others! He requested God's forgiveness for all sins committed by mankind against
God and our brothers.
The Moslem group reminded on the greatness of God as He was the only omnipowerful whom they confided mankind
for the forgiveness of their sins. They insisted on forgiveness and on requesting God's action in favour of the oppressed. They
finally requested the Almighty One to give a reply to the unjustified aggressions.

Then it came to the Pope to say something of his own. He thanked the two presidents for the big welcome they accorded him
in his recent tour of the Middle East. He further thanked them for having accepted the invitation to the Vatican. Turning to the Patriarch
of Constantinople, he very warmly thanked him for having accepted to join him on this great mission. He then concluded by saying that
Peace was the ultimate goal of all our sacrifices and actions of courage for the region.
Israeli President Peres thanked the Pope for his positive impact on the Middle East. He affirmed that all people in the region loved peace
and that the Vatican meet brought them an occasion to seek peace with determination.
Palestinian president expressed gratitude on meeting the Pope once again. He described Pope Francis as a saintly person and as a man
of peace. Palestinians were for genuine true peace and that if peace came to Jerusalem thjere would be peace in the world.He requested
for a solution for Jerusalem by handing it to all : Moslems, Christians, and Jews. He strongly implored all for peace in favour of the Palestinians
who had suffered so much.
In the end the Pope gave an accolade to each one of the two presidents who in turn embraced each other. Then there was that papal accolade
extended to the Patriarch who in turn embraced the presidents. then there was a family picture of the four great personalities.Then the four
planted an olive tree that will permanently help commemorate the occasion.And there was the presentation to the four of all personalities
present. Then the groups moved to Casina Pio IV building for further contacts, etc.. before departure.
It has been stated that Benedict XVI was spiritually present with them all from his residence where he has withdrawn for retirement.
The occasion is said to have been followed by hundreds of millions of telespectators from all over the globe!.

Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )

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