{UAH} BBC News: 'Millions denied end-of-life drugs'
I saw this story on the BBC News iPad App and thought you should see it:
'Millions denied end-of-life drugs'
Lack of access to pain relief around the world is a "public health emergency" as millions of dying patients endure unnecessary suffering, experts say.
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"What you are we once were, what we are you shall be!"
An inscription on the walls of a Roman catacomb.
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'Millions denied end-of-life drugs'
Lack of access to pain relief around the world is a "public health emergency" as millions of dying patients endure unnecessary suffering, experts say.
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The BBC is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and anything written in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the BBC's views or opinions. Please note that neither the e-mail address nor name of the sender have been verified.
Sent from Gook's iPatch!
"What you are we once were, what we are you shall be!"
An inscription on the walls of a Roman catacomb.
UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: ugandans-at-heart+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com or Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwemba@gmail.com.
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