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{UAH} Chinese engagement in Africa: drivers, reactions, and implications for U.S. Policy

Most analyses of Chinese engagement with African nations focus on what China gets out of these partnerships—primarily natural resources and export markets to fuel its burgeoning economy, and agricultural products to feed its increasingly urbanised population. Some studies have described the impacts-both positive and negative-that China's aid and investment policies have had on African countries. However, few analyses have approached Sino-African relations as a vibrant, two-way dynamic in which both sides adjust to policy initiatives and popular perceptions emanating from the other.

Moreover, China's global intentions have increasingly become the focus of debate among scholars and practitioners. Some analysts hold the view that as China's power grows, it will become increasingly ambitious in its efforts to expand its global influence and domination.

Others contend that China's ambitions remain limited, with continued domestic economic and social challenges curtailing Beijing's ability to exert global influence. In this context, Africa presents a unique case study upon which to assess China's goals and ambitions on the world stage.

This report characterises China's interests in Africa; highlights the subtle intersection between Chinese financial, political, and security activities in Africa; assesses the influence of these policies on Africa and among Africans themselves; and weighs the impact of China's Africa engagement on U.S. political, economic, and security interests in the region, drawing associated recommendations for U.S. policy.

Patriot in Kampala,East Africa
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