{UAH} Great Britain's Ambitions
To the Attention of Mr Akim Odong to know that Lado has clearly
informed the British ( Great Britain's ) dirty murderous Political
Ambitions of taking Lado nicknamed as West Nile in Africa .
Great Britain – The British Presence in Lado
The British presence in Lado started first by the appointment of as
the first Governor – General , Sir Samuel White Baker ( a British
National ) by the Ottoman Empire over Lado in 1871 after the invasion
of Lado by the combined Forces of the United States of America ( USA )
, Europeans and the Ottomans with the Blue Print Plans worked out in
1869 by Britain and the United States of America to conquer the
Interiore of Africa , ( Sudan Cental Africa of which Lado being the
Heart ) . From that time 1871 onwards the British presence continued
onwards till todate , and continously interfering in the Internal
Political Affairs of Lado . The practises of such interferences was
seen in for example in the illegal Partition of Lado by creating The
Central Region of Lado known as West Nile and Madi Districts as Part
of Uganda , ( Uganda which one time was first under the Germany East
African Colony but 1980 became as the British Uganda Protectorate in
the British East African Empire Extensions after the Germans exchanged
Uganda for the Island of Heligoland which first belonged to Great
Britain and of which the Germans were most interested to have .
Britain in the end , and for destroying Lado decided to remove Lado
from History Maps of Africa and cleverly did this by threatening by
the use of Military force against Belgium which first occupied Lado .
Britain feared that , Belgium could become a threat in controlling the
water flows of River Nile across Lado Land and therefore became
opposed to the occupation of Lado by Belgium and above all by any
other European Nations who would want to enter into and occupy Lado .
After getting Lado from Belgium without any valid Treaty agreements ,
Britain embarked on partitioning Lado , taking part of it , ( North
Lado ) becoming annexed to the Anglo / Egyptian Sudan which was under
the Great Britain's Political Domain . South West of Lado without
River Nile was cut off and given / ceded to Belgium Congo to control
the Lado People militarilly , should Lado People rise to fight in
their Lands against the British and it was also to appease the Belgium
Government for having freely given Lado to be under Great Britain's
Authority in 1910 after the death of King Leopold II of Belgium and of
which the British , ( Great Britain ) took advantage really in
possessing Lado . And lastly , South East of Lado which was / is
including the prtion stretch of River Nile was ceded to Uganda which
was and still is the British Uganda Protectorate which of course then
, is rightly under the British ( Great Britain's ) control , like
North Lado in Anglo/ Egyptain Sudan where the River Nile continues in
its flow course towards Egypt . All this partition of Lado was done
on from 1910 up to 1914 , following King Leopold II of Belgium's death
in 1909 . This way , British ( Great Britain ) from 1895 in the long
run removed and made Lado disappear completely on the World Maps ,
stretching and incorporating Lado to the three Countries which are
Independent today , hence these Independent Countires ruling Lado
still for Britain or better to say , Britain is ruling Lado still
through these Independent Satellite Countries in Africa under the
Sovereign authority of Great Britain while the Lado Regions in D R
Congo are best under Belgium which till todate is the British or Great
Britains ally when it comes on the question of Lado existence issue in
Africa .
When Lado issue is being opened for talks with the British now , it
suprises nobody as the British pretend that she is no longer and in
anyway responsible for Lado Affairs as Lado has come to be an African
Affair and to be discussed by the Africans if ever Lado has to become
Independent in Africa . Wrong , Britain is on this reasoning , as it
is officially noted throughout here in this History File Memory that
Great Britain accepted and undertook to have worked accordingly for
the Independence of Lado when Lado issue was brought for discussions
in the United Nations General Assembly plenary session meeting in 1947
and the procedure of and for the declonisation of Lado is still going
on till todate . What only remains is for Great Britain , Belgium ,
and together with Lado , is to fix the day and date of the Indepndence
of Lado in Africa with the arbitration of the United Nations (UN) as
the United Nations has been and is aware of the Independence situation
of Lado in the Continent of Africa .
More detailed points of view on the divided Region parts of Lado
North Lado :
The Northern part of Lado was assigned or annexed and turned out to be
a Province of Anglo / Egyptian Sudan , which were the defeated States
of both North and South Mahdi States by the combined Forces of Ottoman
– Anglo / Egptian in 1899 . The then reformed Country Anglo /
Egyptian Sudan as it was called after 1899 got its Independence in
1956 from Great Britain and become with its new changed name as '' The
United Republic State of Sudan '' in 1956 . It was called United ,
because the defeated two Mahdi States made an Agreement under the
British Authority of Great Britain to remain as One United Nation –
State Country after getting independence . The Treaty dicussion was
held in 1955 under the Supervision of the British Governor – general
who was the last ruling the Anglo/ Egyptian Sudan as a British colony
still from 29 March 1954 to 12 December 1955 , he was the Governor –
General , Sir Alexander Knox Helm by and in Authority of the Anglo /
Egyptian Sudan .
In this meeting the North Lado Delegation was called on if they
wanted to be still then as a part of the New independent coming of the
United Republic of Sudan in 1956 . The North Lado People of Equatoria
for themselves totally rejected the idea of becoming as the New
independent Republic State of Sudan but asked instead ,
rivendicating fully their Lado independence . Furious , as they became
to be of Lado's rivendication of independence , the British , the
Egyptians , the Arabs of North Sudan and the Southern Sudanese of the
Nilotic / or Luo groupings of the Dinka , Shilluk , Nuer , Jo-Luo ,
Acholi or Acoli Tribes and other lineages of the real South Sudan
Citizens turned on , massacred all the Lado Delegates which in History
was well known and is still well remembered by all People in the World
as the Torit Massacres of 1955 and this opened the old Wounds of War
between Lado and the Sudanese People being supported / or backed up by
Britain . This is how the War ( The described Anyanya War by Lado
People ) broke up in North Lado for the Liberation of the Ladoans of
North Lado Territory for the complete independence of Lado State from
Britain , Egypt and Sudan or usually abbreviated as the ( Anglo /
Egyptian Sudan's rule ) , who were controlling the occupation of Lado
and indeed not to let Lado go Free for its or her Independence in
Africa .
Clearly seen on the Map of South Sudan and till todate are the
considered Regions of North Lado but are wrongly renamed and again in
partitioned forms as West , Central and East Equatoria Regions of
South Sudan . In reality these Regions are :
1. Kinet Region of Lado with '' Aku Ambo '' / or Capital cities , (
Kapoeta and Torit ) ,
2. Rholi Region of Lado with '' Aku Ambo '' / or Capital city , ( Yambio ) ,
3. Yei Region '' with Aku Ambo '' / or Capital city , ( Juba ) .
All the three Regions above are attached then to what is called today
South Sudan independent in 2011 , ( South Sudan was formerly South
Mahdi State ,(1885 – 1898 ) which together with North Mahdi under the
Arab Mahdists / or the Mahdiyya rule became colonised and this time
forming the Anglo / Egyptian State Condomnium in 1899 – 1955 by Great
Britain .
From 2011 , North Mahdi became North Sudan State – ( a sheer change
of name only ) . All the changing names : from Egytian Sudan / or
Ottoman Anglo / Egyptian Sudan , Mahdi States , Anglo / Egyptian Sudan
, United Republic of Sudan and then now to North Sudan State and South
Sudan State as seperate Independent States , is nothing but the
mental tactical switch over of names only to hide the independence
Issue of Lado State in the Nile Valley of Africa by Britain and her
Allies in destroying Lado and for the General Public not to know that
Lado has been a Nation - State and still exists in Africa , in the
Sudan Central Africa .
Brief History of Mahdi States ( both North and South ) today called
from 2011 as North Sudan and South Sudan Independent States in East
Sudan Nile Valley
From 1881 : The Arabs and the Arabised Backs ( the Black People who
changed their Religion Faith to Islam and who were mostly the
descendents of the People of earlier Kingdoms of Nuba and Makuria ) ,
wanted to seperate from the Ottoman Dominium and to remain Black (
Sudan ) decided to fight the Ottoman Turco – Anglo / Egyptian forces
and in the end they became victorious and created the Mahdi States to
replace the Egyptian Sudan from 1885 – 1898 . The North Mahdi was
predominantly left to be inhabited by the White or Brown coloured Skin
Arabs and South Mahdi then by the Native Black Arabised Africans and
those Africans of different Religious beliefs from Islam described by
the Arabs as the proper Sudan People .
N.B : In fact the British ( Great Britain and United States of America
, USA ) in futher dividing the Independent United Republic of Sudan in
2011 only imitated the Mahdists for the second time spilting Sudan
State into two as North Sudan State which corresponds to former North
Mahdi and South Sudan State corresponding to South Mahdi State .
Nothing new was done in 2011 but only , what was done effectively was
to hide the Lado Independence issue yet as North Lado is attached
still to South Sudan now . The Political Crisis in South Sudan if
viewed properly is because of this Lado issue still : Equatoria – Lado
being ruled still by South Sudan , Democratic Republic of Congo and
Uganda for and serving Great Britain and its Ally , United States of
America's interests only to control the Rich mineral resources of Lado
in Africa . The most articulated , orchestrated wars in Uganda , Sudan
( both North and South Sudans ) and D R Congo are going on for that ,
aiming at cleansing Lado land of her true inhabitants , ( The Lado
People of Africa who freed themselves from Egypt and resettled
themselves in this Region of Sudan Central Africa they named Lado long
since from 687 b.c ) ; Lado people are quitely being killed ,
massacred with impunity in these so called independent Countries to
which Lado has been stretched and incorporated in them . Just see :
1955 , Anyanya war in the former Region of United Republic of Sudan :
the Lado People where killed and in the course of the war on them ''
the Torit massacres '' , they ran away for their lifes to become
refugees in D R Congo and Uganda in the same Area lands of theirs
where their sisters and brothers are under the two countries'
Adminstrations of , D R Congo and Uganda ,
1960 - 1964 , Simba war in the former Congo Belgium : the Lado
people where being killed , and in the course of the war on them ,
they ran away for their lifes to become refugees in Sudan and Uganda
in the same lands of theirs where their sisters and brothers are under
the two countries' Adminstrations of , The United Republic of Sudan
and Uganda ,
1979 -1980 , Uganda National Liberation war , in the Republic of
Uganda was set onto liberate Uganda from the Foreigners who were the
Lado people with Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada as the Leader who was
said to be ruling Uganda , the Lado People were killed , masssacred
and being burned in their houses with impunity and in the course of
the war on them , they , the survivors ran to D R Congo and South
Sudan of today which formely was part of the Republic State of Sudan
in the same lands of theirs ( North Lado seen today forming part of
South Sudan ) where their sisters and brothers are under the two
Administrations of , The Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan
of today which became independent in 2011 , being backed up by Britain
and United States to hide the Independence issue of Lado in Africa .
The Newly Opened War now in South Sudan , 2013 / 2014 affecting Lado
in South Sudan
As if Torit incidence of 1955 was not enough for the British ( Great
Britain ) to know of the burning Desire for their Independence and
Freedom , Britain once again continues with its Hatred against the
People of Lado and against the State Kingdom of Lado and this time by
having created through South Sudan Government Authorites ( East ,
Central and West Equatoria ) , which are but the same Regions of North
Lado as the Occupied zones now replaced under the newly carved out
South Sudan State – Country in 2011 by the Anglo/ Americans in the
Heart of Africa this time , in still hiding the Struggling efforts of
Lado People on the Lado Independence Issues and which they perfectly
know is still Pending in the United Nations Offices since from 1947 .
In the year 2005 , the Office of the United Nations , U.N Secretary
General was fully informed of the Political Affairs and Situations
facing Lado and requesting for the immediate need for the Secretary
General to bring the Lado issue to UN General Assembly now for voting
issues to be done for Lado and this greatly alarmed the two Super
Powers , Great Britain and the United States who in their turn had to
do some thing quick in dirverting the Attention of the United Nations
Offices to their Proposal Issues only and was bringing the division
issue of the Republic of Sudan's to be divided into the States they
proposed as of Urgency to the UN Secretary General and Security
Council to act on First thus wanting once again to push Lado Issue
under the Carpet .
True , South Sudan formerly South Mahdi had all the characteristics of
becoming independent in Africa , so is Lado too to be independent in
Africa anyway then . Seen now that South Sudan as South Mahdi State
before , ( 1885 – 1898 ) is independent and North Sudan which was
North Mahdi State is even independent , surely this time , if United
States of America , ( USA ) once again comes openly to join their
cousins the British ( of Old Virginia Company ) as they did so in the
first invasion of Lado and occupied Lado in from 1871 with the British
National Governor – general , Major General Sir Samuel White Baker to
rule Lado for them , then it should be easy for the Anglo / Americans
to come in and vote positively for the independence of Lado now in
this period of the declonisation of the State Kingdom of Lado by the
Methods and Procedures of the decolonisation of a State which has been
adopted by United Nations in giving independences and Sovereign Rights
to all different peoples of the World in accordance to Artilcles 1
and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and within the context of the
Resolution of UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 ( xv ) of 14
December 1960 ) to which both Great Britain and United States of
America are Signatories .
South Lado as is Divided into two which are :
The South – West Regions were still and still are :
North Ituri Regions : '' with Aku Ambo '' / or capital cities , (
Dungu and Aru ) ,
South Ituri Region : with '' Aku Ambo '' / or Capital city , ( Bunia ) .
These two Regions of Lado were assigned or annexed to Belgium and that
was to thank Belgium for having accepted to the Partition of Lado
after King Leopold II died . King Leopold before he died ratified the
Law to handing to Belgium government Congo Belgium / or the Congo Free
State which was his own private Territory property just like Lado was
but he never ratified a similar Law handing Lado to Belgium government
and therefore to have had become Belgium colony . A factor which
demonstrates or proves beyond doubt that Belgium government therefore
had no Rights at all to take any decisions over Lado and cede Lado to
Great Britain for partitioning or partitions . The death of the King
assured Lado as a Free Territory left to itself only .
The South – east Region of Lado was and is still the capital Marked
Region of Lado where the Agofe / or King of Lado resided and ( still
is the Regional Seat Center of the Agofe / or King in the Kingdom
State of Lado ) and Britain / or the British government was so keen
that , this Region had to be in and under the direct Control of Her
Majesty's government Administration Services of Great Britain based
in Uganda as Uganda was a highly favoured British Protectorate which
was one time described by a former British Prime Minister , Sir
Winston Leonard Spencer – Churchill , as the Pearl of Africa for Great
Britain then . Inotherwords , disrupting and removing the Central
Authority of the Agofe / King of Lado or to get rid of the Agofe
meant the destruction , the conquest of Lado Kingdom and its people as
a Nation – State Entity once for all then and therefore was to be the
end of the existence of Lado in Sudan Central Africa . Within this
logic and without anymore problems , Africa was and could be
controlled from the interior then and forever now by the two western
Big Power countries : Great Britain and its off Springs of the
British Virginia Company who held up building the United States of
America , ( USA ) in the Continent of North America .
It was for reason , in 1912 , South east Region of Lado , which the
British Nicknamed The West Nile Region : with '' Aku Ambo / or
Capital City , ( Arua ) was transfered from Sudan ( formerly Anglo /
Anglo Egyptian Sudan or the formerly called the European Ottoman
Egyptian Sudan ) to Uganda and broken down to a District Level in
Uganda ( which was a British Colony or Protectorate Colony Country of
Great Britain ) . Uganda got its or her Independence in 1962 from
Great Britain , with the Region of West Nile of Lado , remaining
attached or incorporatedin Uganda till to date like North Lado is
attached too by Great Britain to South Sudan of today . In Uganda this
West Nile part of Lado is known or called North- West of Uganda . The
Conflicts within Uganda with West Nile and Madi is of this and Uganda
People / or Ugandans regard the People from West Nile as Foreigners in
Uganda and this trend of events is actually which caused the Political
Crisis in 1971 which led to the involvement of the Lado Military
intervention as they were all to have been all killed in Uganda by the
order of the former President of Uganda Mr Milton Obote by then . And
that is how Major General Idi Amin a Kuku – Kakua Tribe of Lado became
President of Uganda and was to carry out finally and resolve the Lado
issue in Uganda and under him President of Uganda started infact the
opening chapters of the Peaceful Political Negotiations to commence
with Uganda in 1973 which was called the Nile Conference of Uganda
1973 . The Agofe of Lado was present representing Lado in the
Conference Meeting to start working with Uganda as Sister African
Country in working together for the Independence of Lado . However
this news was not welcome by Great Britain and some of the Ugandan
Politicians , as they needed as they only needed for them General Idi
Amin from Lado to be Militarily overthrown by the Ugandans and get
away with the People from West Nile and Madi and to take away their
Lands and few who would Survive to become Slaves working in Uganda
then .
The Military Plans became effectively implimented in 1979 which led to
the overthrow of Idi Amin by the Uganda Liberation Army which was
fully backed up by Great Britain and United States of America and
Tanzania was the selected African Country used as the Military Base to
attack the Foreigners ruling Uganda under Idi Amin . On the day of the
fall of Idi Amin , the New sworn Uganda's President Professor Yusuf
Lule made clearly known to all on the National Radio of Uganda to all
Ugandans and the world that : ( The Nile is between us ) sighting the
Colonial Boundary / Border Lines which seperated Lado ( West Nile )
State Country from Uganda ( East Nile ) State Country which were
differenlty and at different times recognised by the 28th September
1892 for Lado and 1st April 1894 for Uganda . These were and are still
the standing Valid Legal Orders till todate leaving Lado still an
Occupied Territory in Africa . This fact is very well known to all in
all Diplomatic and International Political Affairs over Lado in Africa
. The Big Countries like Great Britain and their Allies , including
their small satellite Countries like Uganda , Democratic Republic of
Congo and South Sudan now ,can not therefore ignore the fact that ,
Lado Occupation is not by them till todate and therefore too , they
are responsible for the Decolonisation of Lado now as Lado Demands so
of them through and in accordance with the United Nations , ( UN
General Assembly Resolution 1514 ( xv ) of 14 December 1960 .
Ronald Okuonzi
UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: ugandans-at-heart+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com or Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwemba@gmail.com.
informed the British ( Great Britain's ) dirty murderous Political
Ambitions of taking Lado nicknamed as West Nile in Africa .
Great Britain – The British Presence in Lado
The British presence in Lado started first by the appointment of as
the first Governor – General , Sir Samuel White Baker ( a British
National ) by the Ottoman Empire over Lado in 1871 after the invasion
of Lado by the combined Forces of the United States of America ( USA )
, Europeans and the Ottomans with the Blue Print Plans worked out in
1869 by Britain and the United States of America to conquer the
Interiore of Africa , ( Sudan Cental Africa of which Lado being the
Heart ) . From that time 1871 onwards the British presence continued
onwards till todate , and continously interfering in the Internal
Political Affairs of Lado . The practises of such interferences was
seen in for example in the illegal Partition of Lado by creating The
Central Region of Lado known as West Nile and Madi Districts as Part
of Uganda , ( Uganda which one time was first under the Germany East
African Colony but 1980 became as the British Uganda Protectorate in
the British East African Empire Extensions after the Germans exchanged
Uganda for the Island of Heligoland which first belonged to Great
Britain and of which the Germans were most interested to have .
Britain in the end , and for destroying Lado decided to remove Lado
from History Maps of Africa and cleverly did this by threatening by
the use of Military force against Belgium which first occupied Lado .
Britain feared that , Belgium could become a threat in controlling the
water flows of River Nile across Lado Land and therefore became
opposed to the occupation of Lado by Belgium and above all by any
other European Nations who would want to enter into and occupy Lado .
After getting Lado from Belgium without any valid Treaty agreements ,
Britain embarked on partitioning Lado , taking part of it , ( North
Lado ) becoming annexed to the Anglo / Egyptian Sudan which was under
the Great Britain's Political Domain . South West of Lado without
River Nile was cut off and given / ceded to Belgium Congo to control
the Lado People militarilly , should Lado People rise to fight in
their Lands against the British and it was also to appease the Belgium
Government for having freely given Lado to be under Great Britain's
Authority in 1910 after the death of King Leopold II of Belgium and of
which the British , ( Great Britain ) took advantage really in
possessing Lado . And lastly , South East of Lado which was / is
including the prtion stretch of River Nile was ceded to Uganda which
was and still is the British Uganda Protectorate which of course then
, is rightly under the British ( Great Britain's ) control , like
North Lado in Anglo/ Egyptain Sudan where the River Nile continues in
its flow course towards Egypt . All this partition of Lado was done
on from 1910 up to 1914 , following King Leopold II of Belgium's death
in 1909 . This way , British ( Great Britain ) from 1895 in the long
run removed and made Lado disappear completely on the World Maps ,
stretching and incorporating Lado to the three Countries which are
Independent today , hence these Independent Countires ruling Lado
still for Britain or better to say , Britain is ruling Lado still
through these Independent Satellite Countries in Africa under the
Sovereign authority of Great Britain while the Lado Regions in D R
Congo are best under Belgium which till todate is the British or Great
Britains ally when it comes on the question of Lado existence issue in
Africa .
When Lado issue is being opened for talks with the British now , it
suprises nobody as the British pretend that she is no longer and in
anyway responsible for Lado Affairs as Lado has come to be an African
Affair and to be discussed by the Africans if ever Lado has to become
Independent in Africa . Wrong , Britain is on this reasoning , as it
is officially noted throughout here in this History File Memory that
Great Britain accepted and undertook to have worked accordingly for
the Independence of Lado when Lado issue was brought for discussions
in the United Nations General Assembly plenary session meeting in 1947
and the procedure of and for the declonisation of Lado is still going
on till todate . What only remains is for Great Britain , Belgium ,
and together with Lado , is to fix the day and date of the Indepndence
of Lado in Africa with the arbitration of the United Nations (UN) as
the United Nations has been and is aware of the Independence situation
of Lado in the Continent of Africa .
More detailed points of view on the divided Region parts of Lado
North Lado :
The Northern part of Lado was assigned or annexed and turned out to be
a Province of Anglo / Egyptian Sudan , which were the defeated States
of both North and South Mahdi States by the combined Forces of Ottoman
– Anglo / Egptian in 1899 . The then reformed Country Anglo /
Egyptian Sudan as it was called after 1899 got its Independence in
1956 from Great Britain and become with its new changed name as '' The
United Republic State of Sudan '' in 1956 . It was called United ,
because the defeated two Mahdi States made an Agreement under the
British Authority of Great Britain to remain as One United Nation –
State Country after getting independence . The Treaty dicussion was
held in 1955 under the Supervision of the British Governor – general
who was the last ruling the Anglo/ Egyptian Sudan as a British colony
still from 29 March 1954 to 12 December 1955 , he was the Governor –
General , Sir Alexander Knox Helm by and in Authority of the Anglo /
Egyptian Sudan .
In this meeting the North Lado Delegation was called on if they
wanted to be still then as a part of the New independent coming of the
United Republic of Sudan in 1956 . The North Lado People of Equatoria
for themselves totally rejected the idea of becoming as the New
independent Republic State of Sudan but asked instead ,
rivendicating fully their Lado independence . Furious , as they became
to be of Lado's rivendication of independence , the British , the
Egyptians , the Arabs of North Sudan and the Southern Sudanese of the
Nilotic / or Luo groupings of the Dinka , Shilluk , Nuer , Jo-Luo ,
Acholi or Acoli Tribes and other lineages of the real South Sudan
Citizens turned on , massacred all the Lado Delegates which in History
was well known and is still well remembered by all People in the World
as the Torit Massacres of 1955 and this opened the old Wounds of War
between Lado and the Sudanese People being supported / or backed up by
Britain . This is how the War ( The described Anyanya War by Lado
People ) broke up in North Lado for the Liberation of the Ladoans of
North Lado Territory for the complete independence of Lado State from
Britain , Egypt and Sudan or usually abbreviated as the ( Anglo /
Egyptian Sudan's rule ) , who were controlling the occupation of Lado
and indeed not to let Lado go Free for its or her Independence in
Africa .
Clearly seen on the Map of South Sudan and till todate are the
considered Regions of North Lado but are wrongly renamed and again in
partitioned forms as West , Central and East Equatoria Regions of
South Sudan . In reality these Regions are :
1. Kinet Region of Lado with '' Aku Ambo '' / or Capital cities , (
Kapoeta and Torit ) ,
2. Rholi Region of Lado with '' Aku Ambo '' / or Capital city , ( Yambio ) ,
3. Yei Region '' with Aku Ambo '' / or Capital city , ( Juba ) .
All the three Regions above are attached then to what is called today
South Sudan independent in 2011 , ( South Sudan was formerly South
Mahdi State ,(1885 – 1898 ) which together with North Mahdi under the
Arab Mahdists / or the Mahdiyya rule became colonised and this time
forming the Anglo / Egyptian State Condomnium in 1899 – 1955 by Great
Britain .
From 2011 , North Mahdi became North Sudan State – ( a sheer change
of name only ) . All the changing names : from Egytian Sudan / or
Ottoman Anglo / Egyptian Sudan , Mahdi States , Anglo / Egyptian Sudan
, United Republic of Sudan and then now to North Sudan State and South
Sudan State as seperate Independent States , is nothing but the
mental tactical switch over of names only to hide the independence
Issue of Lado State in the Nile Valley of Africa by Britain and her
Allies in destroying Lado and for the General Public not to know that
Lado has been a Nation - State and still exists in Africa , in the
Sudan Central Africa .
Brief History of Mahdi States ( both North and South ) today called
from 2011 as North Sudan and South Sudan Independent States in East
Sudan Nile Valley
From 1881 : The Arabs and the Arabised Backs ( the Black People who
changed their Religion Faith to Islam and who were mostly the
descendents of the People of earlier Kingdoms of Nuba and Makuria ) ,
wanted to seperate from the Ottoman Dominium and to remain Black (
Sudan ) decided to fight the Ottoman Turco – Anglo / Egyptian forces
and in the end they became victorious and created the Mahdi States to
replace the Egyptian Sudan from 1885 – 1898 . The North Mahdi was
predominantly left to be inhabited by the White or Brown coloured Skin
Arabs and South Mahdi then by the Native Black Arabised Africans and
those Africans of different Religious beliefs from Islam described by
the Arabs as the proper Sudan People .
N.B : In fact the British ( Great Britain and United States of America
, USA ) in futher dividing the Independent United Republic of Sudan in
2011 only imitated the Mahdists for the second time spilting Sudan
State into two as North Sudan State which corresponds to former North
Mahdi and South Sudan State corresponding to South Mahdi State .
Nothing new was done in 2011 but only , what was done effectively was
to hide the Lado Independence issue yet as North Lado is attached
still to South Sudan now . The Political Crisis in South Sudan if
viewed properly is because of this Lado issue still : Equatoria – Lado
being ruled still by South Sudan , Democratic Republic of Congo and
Uganda for and serving Great Britain and its Ally , United States of
America's interests only to control the Rich mineral resources of Lado
in Africa . The most articulated , orchestrated wars in Uganda , Sudan
( both North and South Sudans ) and D R Congo are going on for that ,
aiming at cleansing Lado land of her true inhabitants , ( The Lado
People of Africa who freed themselves from Egypt and resettled
themselves in this Region of Sudan Central Africa they named Lado long
since from 687 b.c ) ; Lado people are quitely being killed ,
massacred with impunity in these so called independent Countries to
which Lado has been stretched and incorporated in them . Just see :
1955 , Anyanya war in the former Region of United Republic of Sudan :
the Lado People where killed and in the course of the war on them ''
the Torit massacres '' , they ran away for their lifes to become
refugees in D R Congo and Uganda in the same Area lands of theirs
where their sisters and brothers are under the two countries'
Adminstrations of , D R Congo and Uganda ,
1960 - 1964 , Simba war in the former Congo Belgium : the Lado
people where being killed , and in the course of the war on them ,
they ran away for their lifes to become refugees in Sudan and Uganda
in the same lands of theirs where their sisters and brothers are under
the two countries' Adminstrations of , The United Republic of Sudan
and Uganda ,
1979 -1980 , Uganda National Liberation war , in the Republic of
Uganda was set onto liberate Uganda from the Foreigners who were the
Lado people with Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada as the Leader who was
said to be ruling Uganda , the Lado People were killed , masssacred
and being burned in their houses with impunity and in the course of
the war on them , they , the survivors ran to D R Congo and South
Sudan of today which formely was part of the Republic State of Sudan
in the same lands of theirs ( North Lado seen today forming part of
South Sudan ) where their sisters and brothers are under the two
Administrations of , The Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan
of today which became independent in 2011 , being backed up by Britain
and United States to hide the Independence issue of Lado in Africa .
The Newly Opened War now in South Sudan , 2013 / 2014 affecting Lado
in South Sudan
As if Torit incidence of 1955 was not enough for the British ( Great
Britain ) to know of the burning Desire for their Independence and
Freedom , Britain once again continues with its Hatred against the
People of Lado and against the State Kingdom of Lado and this time by
having created through South Sudan Government Authorites ( East ,
Central and West Equatoria ) , which are but the same Regions of North
Lado as the Occupied zones now replaced under the newly carved out
South Sudan State – Country in 2011 by the Anglo/ Americans in the
Heart of Africa this time , in still hiding the Struggling efforts of
Lado People on the Lado Independence Issues and which they perfectly
know is still Pending in the United Nations Offices since from 1947 .
In the year 2005 , the Office of the United Nations , U.N Secretary
General was fully informed of the Political Affairs and Situations
facing Lado and requesting for the immediate need for the Secretary
General to bring the Lado issue to UN General Assembly now for voting
issues to be done for Lado and this greatly alarmed the two Super
Powers , Great Britain and the United States who in their turn had to
do some thing quick in dirverting the Attention of the United Nations
Offices to their Proposal Issues only and was bringing the division
issue of the Republic of Sudan's to be divided into the States they
proposed as of Urgency to the UN Secretary General and Security
Council to act on First thus wanting once again to push Lado Issue
under the Carpet .
True , South Sudan formerly South Mahdi had all the characteristics of
becoming independent in Africa , so is Lado too to be independent in
Africa anyway then . Seen now that South Sudan as South Mahdi State
before , ( 1885 – 1898 ) is independent and North Sudan which was
North Mahdi State is even independent , surely this time , if United
States of America , ( USA ) once again comes openly to join their
cousins the British ( of Old Virginia Company ) as they did so in the
first invasion of Lado and occupied Lado in from 1871 with the British
National Governor – general , Major General Sir Samuel White Baker to
rule Lado for them , then it should be easy for the Anglo / Americans
to come in and vote positively for the independence of Lado now in
this period of the declonisation of the State Kingdom of Lado by the
Methods and Procedures of the decolonisation of a State which has been
adopted by United Nations in giving independences and Sovereign Rights
to all different peoples of the World in accordance to Artilcles 1
and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and within the context of the
Resolution of UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 ( xv ) of 14
December 1960 ) to which both Great Britain and United States of
America are Signatories .
South Lado as is Divided into two which are :
The South – West Regions were still and still are :
North Ituri Regions : '' with Aku Ambo '' / or capital cities , (
Dungu and Aru ) ,
South Ituri Region : with '' Aku Ambo '' / or Capital city , ( Bunia ) .
These two Regions of Lado were assigned or annexed to Belgium and that
was to thank Belgium for having accepted to the Partition of Lado
after King Leopold II died . King Leopold before he died ratified the
Law to handing to Belgium government Congo Belgium / or the Congo Free
State which was his own private Territory property just like Lado was
but he never ratified a similar Law handing Lado to Belgium government
and therefore to have had become Belgium colony . A factor which
demonstrates or proves beyond doubt that Belgium government therefore
had no Rights at all to take any decisions over Lado and cede Lado to
Great Britain for partitioning or partitions . The death of the King
assured Lado as a Free Territory left to itself only .
The South – east Region of Lado was and is still the capital Marked
Region of Lado where the Agofe / or King of Lado resided and ( still
is the Regional Seat Center of the Agofe / or King in the Kingdom
State of Lado ) and Britain / or the British government was so keen
that , this Region had to be in and under the direct Control of Her
Majesty's government Administration Services of Great Britain based
in Uganda as Uganda was a highly favoured British Protectorate which
was one time described by a former British Prime Minister , Sir
Winston Leonard Spencer – Churchill , as the Pearl of Africa for Great
Britain then . Inotherwords , disrupting and removing the Central
Authority of the Agofe / King of Lado or to get rid of the Agofe
meant the destruction , the conquest of Lado Kingdom and its people as
a Nation – State Entity once for all then and therefore was to be the
end of the existence of Lado in Sudan Central Africa . Within this
logic and without anymore problems , Africa was and could be
controlled from the interior then and forever now by the two western
Big Power countries : Great Britain and its off Springs of the
British Virginia Company who held up building the United States of
America , ( USA ) in the Continent of North America .
It was for reason , in 1912 , South east Region of Lado , which the
British Nicknamed The West Nile Region : with '' Aku Ambo / or
Capital City , ( Arua ) was transfered from Sudan ( formerly Anglo /
Anglo Egyptian Sudan or the formerly called the European Ottoman
Egyptian Sudan ) to Uganda and broken down to a District Level in
Uganda ( which was a British Colony or Protectorate Colony Country of
Great Britain ) . Uganda got its or her Independence in 1962 from
Great Britain , with the Region of West Nile of Lado , remaining
attached or incorporatedin Uganda till to date like North Lado is
attached too by Great Britain to South Sudan of today . In Uganda this
West Nile part of Lado is known or called North- West of Uganda . The
Conflicts within Uganda with West Nile and Madi is of this and Uganda
People / or Ugandans regard the People from West Nile as Foreigners in
Uganda and this trend of events is actually which caused the Political
Crisis in 1971 which led to the involvement of the Lado Military
intervention as they were all to have been all killed in Uganda by the
order of the former President of Uganda Mr Milton Obote by then . And
that is how Major General Idi Amin a Kuku – Kakua Tribe of Lado became
President of Uganda and was to carry out finally and resolve the Lado
issue in Uganda and under him President of Uganda started infact the
opening chapters of the Peaceful Political Negotiations to commence
with Uganda in 1973 which was called the Nile Conference of Uganda
1973 . The Agofe of Lado was present representing Lado in the
Conference Meeting to start working with Uganda as Sister African
Country in working together for the Independence of Lado . However
this news was not welcome by Great Britain and some of the Ugandan
Politicians , as they needed as they only needed for them General Idi
Amin from Lado to be Militarily overthrown by the Ugandans and get
away with the People from West Nile and Madi and to take away their
Lands and few who would Survive to become Slaves working in Uganda
then .
The Military Plans became effectively implimented in 1979 which led to
the overthrow of Idi Amin by the Uganda Liberation Army which was
fully backed up by Great Britain and United States of America and
Tanzania was the selected African Country used as the Military Base to
attack the Foreigners ruling Uganda under Idi Amin . On the day of the
fall of Idi Amin , the New sworn Uganda's President Professor Yusuf
Lule made clearly known to all on the National Radio of Uganda to all
Ugandans and the world that : ( The Nile is between us ) sighting the
Colonial Boundary / Border Lines which seperated Lado ( West Nile )
State Country from Uganda ( East Nile ) State Country which were
differenlty and at different times recognised by the 28th September
1892 for Lado and 1st April 1894 for Uganda . These were and are still
the standing Valid Legal Orders till todate leaving Lado still an
Occupied Territory in Africa . This fact is very well known to all in
all Diplomatic and International Political Affairs over Lado in Africa
. The Big Countries like Great Britain and their Allies , including
their small satellite Countries like Uganda , Democratic Republic of
Congo and South Sudan now ,can not therefore ignore the fact that ,
Lado Occupation is not by them till todate and therefore too , they
are responsible for the Decolonisation of Lado now as Lado Demands so
of them through and in accordance with the United Nations , ( UN
General Assembly Resolution 1514 ( xv ) of 14 December 1960 .
Ronald Okuonzi
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