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{UAH} This is what a country gets when health is not viewed as an urgent investment.

Uganda's bogus attention to health services and disease prevention is reflected in the country's record high levels of epidemics. There is no where in the world (except DRC) that we see so many deadly diseases occurring so frequently - Ebola, Marburg, Hepatitis B, Yello Fever are back.

 In 2007 the year of CHOGM alone, we had 6 epidemics in an 8 month period (Ebola, Marburg, Yellow fever, Cholera, Dysentery,'Nodding disease, Hepatitis E). Gigger epidemics in the 21st century. Half of these epidemics are due to eating faecal matter; the other half are zoonoses, for which the index cases are from interaction with wild animals, suggesting widespread hunting and gathering. And an epidemic of ghosts. The word of the Lord is upon me; let my people go, thats Moses to Pharaoh.And the Lord told Pharaoh, let my people go! But Pharaoh was too stubborn... (you know the rest of the story).

Cholera has become a way of life even in urban areas of Uganda, while in the West Nile, plague, a disease acquired from fleas and rats is the norm. This is what a country gets when health is not viewed as an urgent investment. These primitive epidemics last occurred in the Bible in Egypt when God sent 10 scourges. Is this what we are proud of at 50?

This is what you destined for the moment you start rationing within the minimum (i.e UNMHCP). Our strategic plans at the Ministry of Health have been copy paste with a few changes reflected in the names (HSSP to HSSIP).

Statehouse has also influenced the procurement policies of the MoH – NMS has already failed the procurement cycle of EPI supplies. With the current stock out rate of vaccines at the service sites, we hope to register more deaths among children under five years!

unfortunately, because the health system did not fight in Luwero, it has not been prioritized by the militarily government. If the health system required guns and bullets to improve it, we wd have noted the difference.

"War is nothing but a  continuation of political intercourse, with a mixture of other means. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." 

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