UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.




When you have hernia it hurts your entire body, but there is nothing that hurts than the hernia its self than cutting your stomach opening it up to remove such a hernia. What I am going to do today is to open that stomach of yours and reach in to the disease of why Museveni has lived this long in our premise. In this writing I am going to use two very good men and what they stated, I will start with the very powerful sentence Ocen Nekyon has written today in response to Frank Mujabi when he said and I directly quote “As long as the Dollar remains the World currency for trade, it will {United States} always have muscle. -Ocen“  End quote, then I will end up with what Museveni said and I again quote “Ugandans are too stupid to think for themselves –Y K Museveni” End quote. Those two sentences are going to be my base for making my argument this Thursday Toronto morning as I cut the skin of your abdomen to reach the hernia of failing to remove Museveni from power.


Many of us internationally use or have ever used the American dollar, but very few of us actually realize how using it empowers United States, and in as much as all weapons get invented in as much as all trade agreements get signed, as long as we trade with the American dollar South of Canada will remain strong. I was glad Ocen Nekyon raised that short point, for it remains a simple secret when it is in front of everybody. Do you know the day United States will shake in its boots? It will be the day another form of currency gets agreed on to be the base of trade, when you hear countries out there agreeing to a currency to trade with on international level, start to worry. But why no one does it when United States has annoyed so many? The answers to that question are very many but I will go with the least reason, ignorance. When Ugandans decry Museveni’s government they fail to realize that leading a government is like driving a car, that car must have an engine tires a wind screen a tank of fuel and many many things from small as a bolt on a wiper to as large as the engine block. When you want to break down that car you need to take down all those things into a pressure and smash the car. Most of the intelligent Ugandans agree that Museveni and his government are bad and have to be removed but they want to hold on the engine of that government. Allow me to give you a couple of examples.


When a member of parliament dies in Uganda, the people that oppose Museveni stand up and praise him/her as a very intelligent man/woman, that has served his/her country, in fact Edward Pojim my very good friend stood one time and defended the importance of such to be handed a state funeral. That is a support of Museveni’s government existence. What Pojim should have done is to go after such MPs and asking them why they are serving in a dead government, for you come to question yourself what they achieved by such serving and you do not have it. Was Nebanda a good MP? List me what she achieved out of this government. When you fail to list it realize that she was only a ladder into Museveni’s existence in power and let her die in any manner or form she does, we did not lose that much. Betty Kamya was an MP in Uganda can you list what she achieved in that office? The moment you fail to list it that means she was only a wiper on Museveni’s car of being in power. A government of Museveni is called a government because it has an opposition that stands up and yells how undemocratic is Museveni, so Olara Otunnu being in Uganda House, is a tire of the Museveni being in power car. And one can opine that Olara Otunnu actually is a more empowerment of Museveni being in power than a sitting minister because that sitting minister gets international respect for he serves into a democratic government that allows Olara Otunnu to run UPC from the 6th floor. I am going back to my old argument, it was wrong for UPC to fight for political party’s function you see they made Museveni a democratic man. Can you imagine if we remained under the Besigye mantra of every one is a Movementists? That government to today would have looked very terrible yet today it is surviving for it allows the opposition parties to run. There you go that is your official I told you so of 08/14/2014.


Just last evening, I received my first official phone call inviting me to the Nabagereka visit to this city that will take place at the end of this month. In as much as the person inviting me was my best friend, she failed to realize that actually Nabagereka and the entire Mengo are the very wind screen of the Museveni car of being in power. And Nabagereka can walk the streets of Toronto screaming how Museveni is a dictator and how Buganda needs a Tofali, bottom line remain that even if she drops her pants on Yonge street her trip is only benefitting Museveni than Buganda, because it depicts him as a very good and democratic leader. You cannot stand up and define Obote as a dictator for he shut down the Kingdoms and list Museveni who allows them to function as dictator as well. And here is where the stupidity of Ugandans start from, how do you sell the idea of Museveni being a dictator yet turn around and preach how Nabakyala is in Toronto on a trip? The fact that Deo Kasansula and Bobby Musoke stand up in public to defend Buganda is a right handed to them by Museveni and by The Movement government and for a very good reason, under Obote and Amin government they would be defending Uganda period. It is actually Museveni that has driven the stupidity into fighting for small locales and the country at large goes to the Dogs. It is Museveni that has diverted the minds of Ugandans to praising the useless Nabagereka in Toronto when Uganda women are dying in Uganda infection centers so called God damn hospitals. Museveni has so played on dead brains that today UAH is of a more value to Luos to discuss Kenya than Uganda and her woes. All of you as a collection in this government vehicle need to be disabled and stop to indirectly support this government if we will ever see its God damn tail in our pathetic lives.


I have also said for many years now particularly on this forum that opposition in Uganda is useless and should be dismissed and let the government does its own thing. Let us start with UAH which considers itself an opposition group or for that matter a resistance civil movement against NRM. It is a group with more than 10,000 members. Look at the quality of its contribution for the last 10 years. Why would anybody with common sense accept UAH as a replacement to NRM. You have members such as Gwokto whose concentration is search for women booties and boobs and post essentially turning an opposition forum into a porn site. Why would a parent with girls allow such a person become a minister in any form or shape? When he does not post porn he uses the forum to post true hate towards Moslems and Islam, that at a certain point one starts to fear if UAH is not going to be targeted by Moslem organizations as a hate forum. It is absurd to even suggest that the opposition has a better idea of how Uganda should be run and governed than what NRM has been doing for the last 28 years. You have UAH members such as Akim Odong who dream and live federalism as if God has told him in a dream that federalism is the only solution to Uganda's political pollution and social economic degeneration and decay.

Back to the real opposition on the ground: UPC, DP, FDC and Betty Kamya's closet Federal party. Why would one accept Mugisha Muntonyera and Kizza Kifeefe Besigye when they participated in the massacre of people in Luwero, Northern and Eastern Uganda? Surely at what point does it become immoral to sit with Tinyefunza or Samson Mande and discuss Uganda’s future? Olara Otunnu the UPC leader participated in the overthrow of his very own party in 1985. Why would a man like that be trusted to lead Uganda better than Museveni when the only thing he knows is overthrowing governments. Honestly Olara Otunnu believes into over throwing governments to a point that he can over throw even his own government. DP, can anyone tell me what DP has done since 1962 other than being a dis-organized, focus less and disruptive body. The only thing it knows is to say an election has been rigged, rigged by who. DP loves to use vote rigging that I will not be surprised if they list the next Uganda election as rigged by Ben Kiwanuka.

Friends, let us be serious, you see had the Acholis shut the fuck up when Obote one was overthrown in 1971, Amin would have not turned into a monster he so became. The man had a vision for Uganda even though he was dismissed on day one as a buffoon and as an illiterate Kakwa by the so-called degree holders who have done nothing better since he was overthrown in 1979. Amin was the only African leader in Africa who declared Economic War making sure Ugandans owned their own country and run the economy by ordering the Indians out in 1972. Of course the start was shaky, but indigenous Ugandans were learning and things were beginning to take shake only to be interrupted by the same degree holders whose jealously could not allow Amin to show them  that even an illiterate can effectively run a country especially the one with military discipline.

In summary friends, let Muzeeyi waffe Museveni "awangale". After all, under his regime  the Baganda can sleep, Acholis can eat under the table, Western Uganda can develop by massively investing abroad and in Rwanda, West Nile and Madi regions can be taken off the map of Uganda and Eastern Uganda can be forgotten as UAH produces more boobs and booties as an elite forum and become a discussion center of Kenya politics. Take it or leave it, Ugandan opposition groups and a stupid population, are useless and they are the main cause of Uganda's political collapse and its failed status. Now, you can go and say Mulindwa is Museveni's supporter through and through because he has told you the is not new, after all, the truth hurts. 10 years is a long time for UAH to be recycling the very same story, mbu Museveni is bad. If he is bad, show us the goodies you can provide Ugandans, than the "Otulo Baganda got in 1986 and still enjoying 28 years later. If  not that, then simply shut the fuck up !!


Je excuses sincèrement pour ma chère français                     Geez !!!!!!!!!



On the 49th Parallel          


                    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"

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