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{UAH} Frantic millions cheer Pope in South Korea!

Pope Francis continues with his visit in South Korea amis uproars of tremendous enthusiasm
from millions of South Koreans and others presentg in Seoul. He has really proved to be the
number one world leader whose presence in the Asian peninsula is felt as a comfort and a relief
all over Asia. Even in Mainland China voices are openly coming out to salute thje Pope for his love
to Asians. And fearless Pope Francis is taking the occasion to remind the en,tire region to avoid
fruitless shows of force. A message pleasant to all ears in the region!
Friday yesterday was tghe Feast of Assumption and the Pope moved to the City of Daejon where
he celebrated Mass before 50,000 people packed in the city's soccer stadium. When he arrived in the
stadium he was madly cheered and ululated by thje enthusiastic faithful who waved white handkerchiefs.
Before arriving in the stadium the Pope's motorcade traversed the vast city with all streets lined by crowds
numbering in hundreds of thousands everywhere.
In his homily the Pope, who received  a more than a rockstar welcome, asked Korfeans to be a new force of
spiritual renovation. he also requested them to reject those economic models that inhumanly engender poverty
and bring untold the people.

The same day he went to the Shrine of the Martyrs of Korea where he met thousands of youths from all over Asia.
Several hundred thousand people lined the road to have a glimpse of him. he was madly cheered when he entered
in the vast Shrine where the youyhs from 23 Asian countries had been waiting for him.And mighty cheers filled the
entire place when the Pope moved to take his seat on the stage.In a welcoming speech an Archbishop of the region
requested the Pope to give hope to the youth in Asia who are tempted by many worldly things.
Then the IOndonesian delegation came to stage to perform and sing before an attentive Pope. Cheers from other youths!
Next was the Cambodian delgation whose leader, a very smart outspoken girl, outlined the hard moments her life has
gone thru and how she would like to help other youths avoid her bumpy past.She invited the Pope to Cambodia to help
the population discover Christ's message. She also requested the ¨Pope to officially recognize the many Christians killed
in martyrdom especially under Pol Pot.
A student delegate from Hong Kong told the Pope how Chinese from all parts of the world like him! He also assured the
Pope how he would like to share hjis accomplishments with other youths.He further underlined the multicultural aspect of
Hong Kong which forces the youth to lose their way in life. Turning to Mainland China, the youth reminded the Pope of the
continued suffering of Christians in that country That persecution continues in spite of the Church's growing numbers.The youth
wanted to know what to do in order to help Mainland China's Christians, and what to do to comfort hose who are marginalized by
their Church. ( The Pope was seen noting some of these points on a special sheet of paper).
The South Korean youth delegate asked the Pope to caution the youth on life in tgheir sophisticated capitalist society. And finally
asks on what to do to help North Korea!

The young master of ceremonies introduced the Pope to the vast assemby ( massive cheers and ululations!!!)
He first spoke to them in English and then finally in Italian where he could improvise better than in English although his englis
was indeed very good! He was cheered throughout whenever he threw to the floor an important observation.He expressed his joy to be
with the youth and invited them to spread christ's word to all corners of the world even beyond all barriers. He reminded them of the resurected
Christ who has energy and capacity to transform everything because he is the real pillar of eternal life. He was strongly cheered when he
assured the youth that the Lord counted on them and that he was very present in their hearts thru sacraments
He gave them an ultimate piece of advice to help them stand as conquerors:

" Adore God and do good to others, God knows the rest! ".

As for Cambodia, the Pope also noted that there were many saints and martyrs but none of them was officially canonized. He singled
out the cause of one Angelo, now under study in Rome.( Of course Cambodia and many other poor countries will benefit a lot from the
newly introduced policy of the pro poor pricing rate schedules that will financially help the poor churches to place candidates for glorification
in the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis has introduced this scheme to bring equity in the process of beatification and canonization )
As for the division of Korea he ensured the force of prayer as God never stops listening to all.
He suimmoned them to prayer, to sacraments and to the effort to help others.

After a prayer in silence for the unity of the two Koreas, followed by the Our Father, the Pope blessed the assembly and requested
them to pray for him. And invited them to attend the canonization ceremony. ( Massive cheers, ululations!!!)
The Pope moved out amid very strong cheers from the youth who eagerly shook hands with him while others struggled to touch on him
and was cheered outside the Shrine by another vast crowd of youths who could not get inside the Shrine.
He was driven away in a small KIA car and was again cheered by an estimated one million people whjo had lined up for hours..

Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )

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