Sh15bn lost in OP scandal, says Raila

Cord leader Raila Odinga. The former Prime Minister said billions of the looted cash were used to compromise individuals leading various institutions involved in electioneering and to finance Jubilee campaigns.  AFP FILE PHOTO

Cord leader Raila Odinga. The former Prime Minister said billions of the looted cash were used to compromise individuals leading various institutions involved in electioneering and to finance Jubilee campaigns. AFP FILE PHOTO 

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Up to Sh15 billion was taken by officials at the Office of the President, Cord leader Raila Odinga has said.

Mr Odinga said the officials went on a looting spree as they panicked over the possibility of losing power in the 2013 General Election.

He told the Nation Wednesday that although auditors had only confirmed the shocking transfer of Sh8.4 billion through dubious accounts, he had information of the massive looting that happened during the transition period.

The former Prime Minister said billions of the looted cash were used to compromise individuals leading various institutions involved in electioneering and to finance Jubilee campaigns.

"This is theft of the highest order. We always suspected that the Jubilee coalition looted public coffers to fund its campaign during the last General Election. Our fears have now been confirmed," he said.

The scandal explains the government's current financial woes, he added.


The Cord leader threatened to reveal more about the looting, which was concentrated in the OP and the then Ministry of Internal Security and Provincial Administration and even after its transition to the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government from mid-2012 to mid-2013.

"We have information that the amount stolen could be Sh15 billion. It is good that the Auditor-General has obtained documents about the theft of Sh8.3 billion."

Mr Odinga said the looting was masterminded by top OP officials who feared the Jubilee side, which they supported, could lose to Cord in the election which President Kenyatta won.

Plans by the OP to issue a press statement in defence of officials who were in office when the scam took place were shelved Wednesday.

"We are thinking about whether we should release a statement on this matter today or we just let it go like that," Mr Mwenda Njoka, an adviser to the Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Interior and Coordination, told the Nation.

Suna East MP Junet Mohammed asked the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission to urgently investigate the matter.