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{UAH} Uganda: Spotlight - Not the Mother-in-Law, Again!

Uganda: Spotlight - Not the Mother-in-Law, Again!

By Stephanie

It was not just Greg that had noticed Chris and my increased number of public appearances covered by the local tabloids; one evening as Chris and I were spending a rare evening at home watching a movie he had bought earlier in the day, he received an SMS that made him groan in frustration before tossing the phone aside.

"What is it?" I asked with concern.

"Nothing. Let's just watch the movie," he dismissed my query, pointedly turning his attention back to the movie.

Naturally, his unwillingness to reveal the contents of the text that had so clearly irked him only served to pique my curiosity. I spent the rest of the movie wondering who it was from and how I could get a hold of his phone to check it out.

Not that I had the tendency of going through Chris' phone. In fact, I had never really had the slightest inclination to do so, but his reaction gave rise to all sorts of questions in my mind.

Was he seeing someone on the sly, and was his irritation as a result of her becoming too clingy? Or, was it something even more troubling like problems with his work that he did not want to tell me about because he knew I would begin to worry about us having fresh money woes?

I got a chance to find out once the movie ended and he got up, stretched out and declared he was going to hit the shower, leaving his phone where he had tossed it on the couch.

As soon as I heard the shower turned on in the bathroom, I snatched up the phone and quickly scrolled through to the last message received. Surprisingly, it was from neither a secret girlfriend nor work contact, but his mother, and read: "Chris, I see from the papers that you and Stephanie are enjoying yourselves, living a lavish lifestyle. How I wish you would spare a thought for your poor mother who is struggling to make ends meet and hasn't heard from you of late. God bless you my son."

No wonder Chris was so ticked off by the text, I thought to myself as I quickly replaced the phone exactly where he had left it. I could not believe his mother was moaning about money yet I knew for a fact that Chris had given her a pretty sizeable amount when he received the payment from his sponsors two weeks back.

Since she lived in her own house with no one else but a maid to cater for, the amount he had given her should have been enough to see her through at least a month, without even beginning to take into consideration her other sources of income such as her monthly pension and the amount she got from a small shop she ran with a friend.

More annoying still, was that in all likelihood what was actually bothering her was not that she was broke, or that Chris had not been in touch for two weeks - which was not anything new - but, rather, the thought that he was spending money on treating me to a "lavish lifestyle".

Although Chris would never admit it, and I had learned from past experiences not to criticize his mother to him, I was convinced that she felt I posed a diversion of Chris' funds getting to her. Needless to say, this was totally ridiculous as first of all, I had never complained about Chris giving her money, and actually encouraged him to do so whenever he came across a windfall of some sort; secondly Chris did not actually spend that much money on me in the first place.

True, he occasionally took me out, and once in a while bought me a pair of shoes or a new outfit when he was in a good mood, but unlike most men who gave their women a regular "allowance", the only money Chris gave me was money for the home, or for stuff that C.G needed.

His mother did not really have any justification for her uncharitable thoughts about me as far as Chris' money was concerned.

Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall Building", Jim Hightower

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