UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.

{UAH} Abbey: This is what you should tell those silent politicians and their sidekicks in UAH


Since you, and a few know who is reading UAH postings send them this message.

 To JPAM: tell him to stop talking about what he is going to do and how it will shape politics in Uganda to just shut up and just do it.  Ugandans are getting tired of hearing about his political Tsunami which never come. 

Remind him that in politics surprise can beat the strongest. If he has any doubts let him reflect on what happened to him at Kyankwanzi. So tell him to rethink his strategy of telling churchgoers and yes, the media what he is about to do next. If JPAM or the three women closest to him keep on talking and talking about his next move, YKM will surprise him again. So tell him/them to just do it or to eat humble pie and stay kimya kabisa.


To the opposition in Uganda:  Tell them that politics is like dating.  We are still celebrating so I will keep it straight.  I have read comments how many will not trust General Sejusa.  Tell them to treat General Sejusa like they would treat any date. Yes they are happily married and all are faithful to their wives and husbands, but let them rewind a bit.

Did they marry their first dates? And even if they did, did not they face any doubts or frustration? And if they faced challenges or doubts did they stop dating?  What alternatives did they have? To the best of my recollection even with all kinds of epidemics, dating is still vibrant the world all over. Smart ones are just more careful, ask tough questions and demand tests etc.  So rather than shunning general Sejusa they should deal with him the smart way. 

 To General Sejusa: tell him that it does not matter whether he is for real or taking Ugandans for a ride.  What is important for now is that the wheal that squeaks gets the oil.  And he seems to be that wheel so Ugandans may be listening and wondering.  Tell him that he may not get the third chance so he better mean what he says.

 To YKM and his handlers : Tell them that whether they are playing games with Ugandans about JPAM and General Sejusa, it may not matter anymore because Ugandans may finally wake up and retire him.   Ask them to be honest with Ugandans. What the hell is going on especially with general Sejusa?

Why did they arrest many poor business people on claims they were Sejusa's men and then turn around, eat humble pie and let General Sejusa back in Uganda? Ask them this big question: why did YKM or whoever was leading negotiations on his behalf let General Sejusa pick his own security detail?  Can they come out and deny this? Yes general Sejusa asked for, and was granted permission to choose members of his security detail.


One more message to the opposition: Tell them to give Ugandans-the people/voters-something to think about. Something to believe in.  As Peter Kropotkin (1995) observed "the bold thought first, and the bold deed will not fail to follow".    

 If the opposition do not move fast, General Sejusa could or may even give Ugandans that something and if he does, the opposition could play third fiddle. Yes, you have many wonderful chaps in UAH who believe and will die by means.  But what if General Sejusa convinces Ugandans that what matters is not the fairness of the means, but rather the end? BTW, this may also apply to the opposition so as ask them what they sayeth?




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