In January 2005, a one named Beatrice Lagada, Deputy Director for mass Mobilization in charge of Gender, Youth and interest group, sat with George Otis, Jr and Mark Morache in Acholi Inn. They did a very interesting interview regarding how to put peace back into Northern Uganda. The deputy director used some very interesting words to relate the war in The North with what happened to us in Luwero triangle. The part below is how Lagada expresses how Acholi looted property but murdered people in Luwero.
“……………….Because unless we are able to get at the root of the matter there will not
be peace. And, of course, for me it was also mixed up with, not just
saying to this people the truth, but it was how do we get our people to
Why repent? Because when we are in government, terrible things happen.
There was a lot of atrocities in Luwero Triangle where the war was best
during Obote’s government. It was bad. There were a lot of atrocities. We are talking of atrocities of Kony. But those ones also were very, very bad,
and discussed day after today.
Now in this years have been verdicts. If you try to say, "Oh, let us
repent," and we say, "We are sorry for what happened," you become an
enemy immediately.
Because voices would rise up and say, "Why are you saying so? How
come you say that we did bad thing? That was a national government. It
was not Acholi government."
So there were forces that would not allow people who wanted to say,
Now for me, in my head I said, but how can we get forgiven? How can our
land get healed unless we are able to repent? First of all, to recognize that
our children did it. Yes, they were in national army. But they were mainly
from our homes. They robbed property. They killed the people. Some of
those got desperate – came to our homes up here. People’s properties
that were robbed were brought by our sons in the army to our home here.
We received them very happily. So we must come to a time of
But how could we get the land to repent unless somebody got up and told
people the truth and said, "Look, let us repent"? So, I kept praying.
I got to know Pastor Julius Oyet in 1994 when I got saved in my home in
the village. He had come on a mission there. And I kept sharing these
thoughts with him until there came a point when he shared it with the
body of Christ, the Pentecostal churches.
In 2003 – I think it was in February – the whole body of Christ in Uganda
went on whole month fast in preparation for the mission of redeeming the
I did come on that mission and I tell you, at the end of it, I said, "God,
you are good!" because I myself was shocked.
On Kawunda ground here in Gulu for three days it was very, very, very
hot. A terribly hot time for Northern Uganda. People were packed in the
stadium like sardines.
He told them the history of the Acholis, and went through it all, from the
time the Acholis came from Sudan, the spiritual aspect, and the atrocities
which were committed when the government was in our hands, and led
the land into repentance…………………” - Beatrice Lagada
Deputy Director for mass Mobilization in charge of Gender, Youth and interest group
On the 49th Parallel
Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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