{UAH} Developing North Railway Line and Road Network
Tjenis Nockrach-Laduma
Yes I do understand the basics of the law. However my major concern as of now is the totality of the deskilling scheme China has exerted on the African. Politics in this country is in comma for now politicians do not think about these issues..I must add, if Ugandans can succeed with this project - then they will undertake any type of construction works anywhere in the world. All MPs from the region should demand for the project to be implemented immediately under the existing NUSAF arrangement as infrastructure development project.
This Norh railway line and Super highway - is bringing one thing on the table. That in the modest ways, the African can initiate, design, ingeniously time bound organise and as a result implement a world class mega project.I have no doubt what so ever in my mind that this is doable. That if we started let us say in January 2015 by government bringing in a small engineering brigade , about 30 land surveyors allocated in district headquarters along the infrastructure development corridor, together with 5 hired guiding expert and professionals in road and railway construction engineering team and to start on this work. by mid march every district along that super highway, will be using the road construction machines at their disposal to start on this work on clearing the road section under their jurisdiction for construction work to commerce.
Top engineers i the region, will be monitoring and evaluating what junior workers are doing together with the help of the armed engineering brigade of UPDF.
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Dan Bwanika <bulemezi@gmail.com> wrote:
Prof. Ogenga Latigo
I had forgotten some few details:
The super highway from Koboko to Kotido should be four lanes. Yes I mean four lanes you did not read wrong text. Why?
- Every district has road construction machines like graders, loaders and Lorries under the new road maintenance scheme – this project can start with those. I will concur with government that UNRA is completely useless.
- There is crude oil which is coming on line from Amuru – this could be brought closer for construction purposes of this super highway.
- In Yumbe and Madi Opei there is granite and government should invest in road material production stone crushers costs not more than a million dollars.
- The road construction should go hand in hand with North Railway construction.
- Besides the army civilians employed should have a minimum wage of 350.000 shs per month talk to Ms. Doris Akol and Mr. Byarugaba on taxation and NSSF benefits.
- Labour should be divided into four groups-; (1) Town and Municipal planners and Builders; (2) Railway- Line construction people sourced where the line passes; (3) Road construction workers sourced where the road passes; (4) Silos and agricultural planners to kick start urban village farming for particularly mothers/home makers and youth < 18 years at home.
- Local government will pass by-law – compelling all people with four year secondary education to move to urban villages homes. If they prefer to stay in the village- they must undergo a 3-9 month agriculture course and have not less than an acre piece of land and ready to embrace government agro -project schemes.
- Those who stay in villages will have to pay a monthly tax of 300.000 UG shs. ( I want to deploy this scheme in Nakaseke Luwero)
All the above in my own calculation will reduce road and railway line design and construction to less than half. Using priori logic let us have some development economist start understanding the bill of the entire project and accordingly devise means of bring back that money with a small interest on it in a period of five years 2015 - 2021 plus a year 2022.
There is need to hire a maximum of 5 road /railway engineers under whose guidance engineers from Acoli and West Nile will others work. This can be done under bilateral agreement or World Bank fund.
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Dan Bwanika <bulemezi@gmail.com> wrote:d. Lira to Kotido raodc. Pader to Kotido roadb. Build a railway line linking up those Towns (North Railway-line)a. Koboko, Yumbe, Moyo, via Metu to Adjumani Atiak- Palabek to Kitgum Road - then Acholibul to Lira and Pader1. I think funds should be poured into developingForumistsSend this mail to Professor Latigo if you have his mail.What will be the best way development strategy to bring Adjumani, Kitgum, Pader, Kotido and Moyo and some parts of Lira into a global economic process? Let it cost whatever it will cost but let us do it under military watch - the military should build this network in a year.2. Funds should be poured into upgrading these towns into urban Villages of 150000 people:a. Yumbeb. Adjumanic. Kitgum-- d. Padere. Madi Opei ( 6000 - 100000 people)f. Kilak (6000 - 100000 people)3. Develop Silos for produce4. Set a housing construction firm - North Housing Construction Corp.5. Reduce rural Population to 30% of the entire population._____________________________Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
--_____________________________Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
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