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{UAH} To be black in the USA, is a heck of a job! No wonder Tinyefunza couldn't hack it in the UK

Every single story about black people being killed in controversial circumstances is linked to the fact that they tried to 'resist arrest'. But some thinkers see beyond these masked allegations to detect rage, hate, and exigent 'terminator' behavior by a minority group of racist Caucasians.

- Trayvon Martin - unarmed teenager who got a panic attack when approached by a cop who profiles him as a thief - reason: walking about 'suspiciously' in a neighborhood that is 70% not his color and 'niggers' are not expected to be frolicking unattended at that time in that neighborhood. Cop pumps over 10 rounds in him. All the talk about him having trace marijuana in him was hog-wash: EVERYBODY has some chemical in his/her body that they use to cope - coffee, nicotine, LSD (Acid), extacy, shrooms, adrenaline, alcohol, chewing gum etc - that's how many humans manage to cope in the short term with life's uncertainties.

- Michael Brown - Unarmed young man due for College. Cop sees him approaching his car and says 'he looked like a demon'. Shoots him in 'hands-up' position and shoots his brain in a recumbent position as he fell down to ensure that he died and could not testify. Whatever the nonsense about him being a 'thief', he returned the cigarettes he picked in the store and was therefore a 'bully' NOT a 'thief'.

- Mentally ill man Milton Hall (49) shot in a 'firing squad style' by a legion of Saginaw police officers - shot 47 times - reason - he 'appeared troublesome'

- Next up: If a person with Schizophrenia comes to you shouting: 'kill me, kill me' - do you go ahead and kill him - moreover shoot 9 rounds in him including 5 rounds after he has fallen down? That's what happened to Kajieme Powell 1 week after the Brown shooting - who police killed 'execution style' after he approached them with a knife in a clear case of schizophrenia. The dispatcher clearly mentioned 'erratic behavior'

- Eric Garner:
Man visibly disabled by obesity killed in a chockhold (hypoxic ischemia by strangulation with the arm muscles) mbu for 'attempting to resist arrest' - a chock-hold is fatal in a matter of minutes - the officers blamed it on his 'obesity' - mbu he got a heart attack because of a minor physical altercation - yet they claim that he was 'resisting arrest' - when did the heart attack start - and how long does a person with an ongoing heart attack take to resist arrest?

- Minors not spared too - 12 year old playing with a BB (Fake) gun in a park. Caller tells police that a boy is playing with a 'fake gun' - police comes and scares the shit out of him by telling him to 'drop the fake gun and hands-up' - he is confused and puzzled at how much attention he had garnered over a fake gun - then he is fatally shot. They blame it on 'poorly raised back kids' - Mbu because you cannot distinguish a rabid black man from a sober black man, whenever you find a black man, he MUST put his hands up then you can release him once you are sure he is not the rabid type. Blackness is now a screening test for rabies in people. Meanwhile, MANY Caucasian serial killers, rapists, pederasts, arsonists and terrorists are frolicking in prison - some even getting married whilst there.

 Racism and its variants is guilty of the following events:

- The Nazi war crimes that involved terrible experiments on human beings like assessing the 'highest and lowest critical temperatures' at which a human being can survive - were conducted by racists

- The Willowbrock studies: Dr. Saul Krugman conducted studies on the natural history of Hepatitis B - he intentionally infected mentally ill children for 15 years to 'further the knowledge of science'. They were too mentally ill to be of use in life he thought, or to have 'human rights', yet he urgently needed some human guinea-pigs (wonder why they are even called 'guinea-pigs' - why not 'Lancashire pigs'?)

- 1963 - 22 elderly patients at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital injected with live Cancer cells to study 'how bodies fight cancer'. The hospital covered up the study. The offender was later reprimanded by the Medical Board - but the American Cancer Association appointed him its chairperson 2 years later

- The Belmont Report, a report sanctioned by the American Congress, arose out of the Tuskegee study, conducted between 1932 and 1972. The researchers wanted to study the natural history of syphilis - so they got a cohort of several black men with syphilis. There was no cure for syphilis at the time the study started - however, even when Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin in the early 1940s, these racist goons withheld the antibiotic from the syphilis sufferers on their trial - they continued the study till 1972 by which time 20 classes of antibiotics that could each treat syphilis had been already discovered - several of the study subjects had developed irreversible neurological and cardio-vascular complications - the researchers discovered 'syphilitic gummatous gummas' at the expense of the study subjects - 'mbu to further the knowledge of science'. While we claim there has been 'progress in racial relations', the government of the US only apologized to the study subjects in 1994 (Mbu blacks have a lower IQ).

All these 'sophisticated' schemes were conducted by white racial extremists - sometimes even on their own people - as long as one had a disability, they were no longer considered moral beings, hence unworthy to be treated like human beings!

While many people keep pointing fingers at black people for not being cautious to 'put their hands up' - for having a low IQ and a dysfunctional temperament, it is also very clear in this pattern of police killings that there is an unwritten decision to shoot at whatever opportunity and with sufficiently lethal force - when victims are down, they are shot repeatedly until the policeman is sure they are sufficiently dead.

Whatever John Nsubuga and other 'Apologists' insinuate (this repeated shit about black people being violent, victimhood oriented, drug addicts, thieves, demon possessed, backward etc), the behavior of Caucasian cops seems clearly high handed. We might admit (like the Nobel Laureate dickhead Robert Watson insinuated) that we Negroids might have an inferior IQ - (based on an IQ scale developed using items derived from Caucasian cultures); we may admit we are backward, poor, retarded etc - but one thing we do not accept is to be considered as lesser human beings. Yet the current behavior of the police is to treat back people as 'stray dogs'.

 There is a silent trend towards 'phenotypic sanitization' by treating errant black people as animals and shooting them in the streets like rabid dogs. Cops have become like 'animal control' officers. Officer Darren Wilson said he thought Mike Brown was 'a demon' - to gain sympathy, he said in his TV interview that his own wife is pregnant - as if to break the news that he is introducing better genes than those he destroyed in the slaying (Die Sonnen Kinder phenomenon).

However, whatever the racist white asses believe, think or do, they cannot eliminate an entire race by shooting them - let them try their sinister lab experiments - let them try sanitization at the cellular and molecular level, but they cannot sanitize race at the gross-anatomy level - that is total total bull-shit and it is called 'frustration', 'hatred', 'rage' and a precipice of 'social genocide'. A deeper investigation of these issues will unearth the sinister 'racial sanitization' plan. F**K the racist gooners but they can never 'sanitize' their communities of the same people they fought so hard to import 400 years ago - their demographic pressure is their liability to deal with - its a geometric reality they CAN NEVER erase. So they better wipe their sorry asses, learn to leave with them and empower them with better opportunities in a non-paternalistic way - if they think 'niggers' are backward, let them adjust backwards to catch up with them, and move together. Human beings survived even when they were backward.

On the issue of IQ, I do not think one needs a very high IQ to survive as a 'human being'. And based on the inability of the offending cops to read minds in split seconds - I wonder who indeed has a low IQ? May be many cops in the US need an IQ test.

"War is nothing but a  continuation of political intercourse, with a mixture of other means. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." 

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