UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


Mw. SSEKAJJA and UAH folks,
FIRST, I think and hope that UPC as a political party will not be static but it will be led by human beings who will be dynamics and ready to move with times. Let us agree to disagree, but we should accept that the UPC party which was founded way back on the DNA of Uganda National Congress (UNC) in the early 1940s through the mid-1950s under the leadership of Ignatius MUSAZI, Dr. Kununka, Otema ALIMADI, and many others Ugandan nationalists had dream for betterment of us Ugandans.
SECOND, I think, the wishes of Ugandans have continuously changed with times hence my thinking that even the UPC party political doctrine will change with times on what the generations of Uganda wish and want to guide them. I think, it will not be a dogma built on the matter of death or being alive. It will change and, I hope if the said Dr. KIYINGI is rumoured to be UPC supporter, let him come and present his credentials and what is his VISIONS for Ugandans?
Ocaya pOcure

Den måndag, 16 februari 2015 17:43 skrev 'Ssekajja' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>:

Mr Kasiriba,

You ought to have highlighted 1996!!!! That is a good 19 years ago!! Then NRM meant fighting against all the bad things related to dictatorships. It is a different story today, - all the bad things that the Baganda hoped Museveni was fighting against are indeed with us today. That cry of "twakowa", encapsulates the feeling in Buganda.


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On 16 Feb 2015, at 12:39, Godfrey Kasiriba <> wrote:

Mr Sekaja,

I beg to differ.If it is true that Dr Kiyingi is UPC member his chances of getting votes in Buganda are zero.M7 does not need to harass Dr Kiyingi if he is connected to UPC.He just  has to bring out his spin doctors like John Naggenda to remind the Baganda of UPC's track record.
I dont know if you  were in Uganda in 1996 but  during the Presidential elections there was a rumour that Dr Semwogerere had come to an understanding with Dr Obote.I happened to be in Buganda at the time and that rumour right or wrong swung a lot of Baganda against Dr Semwogerere.

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 7:06 AM, 'Ssekajja' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:
It is not a serious argument to say that because Dr Aggrey Kiyingi had or has sympathetic leanings towards UPC, that makes him an unflavoured contender among the Baganda. He knows his weaknesses, and that is why comes under a banner highlighted in "federalism". I don't know many Baganda that can seriously ignore such a message. When the sentiment among the Baganda is "twakowa",  the 'federal peanuts', come in handy!!

The actions of Museveni, trying to stop him coming to contest for the presidency, only works in favour of Dr Kiyingi, undermining the the 30 years government.


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On 16 Feb 2015, at 11:26, Godfrey Kasiriba <> wrote:

Members I agree with Edward Pojm statement that Dr Kiyingi is not serious.
Dr Kiyingi is a muganda who supports UPC.It is certain he will not get any support from Buganda.
If he cannot get support from his home region of Buganda where does Dr Kiyingi hope to get his votes from?

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:12 AM, migabd via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:
Sydney, Australia
Dr Kiyngi hits back and refutes Uganda government claims
Over the last few weeks, a number of serious allegations and pronouncements have been made by the Uganda government against my good name and a number of innocent civilians have been arrested and charged with alleged crimes. As an initial response to these malicious and false allegations I would like to state as follows:
1.       I have never ordered the killing of any Muslim cleric in Uganda or of anyone for that matter.
2.       I have never financed any killings of any Muslim cleric in Uganda.
3.       I have no dealings with the ADF and I have never financed the ADF.
4.       I have never formed or been associated with the alleged Federal Alliance rebel group.
5.       I have never been involved in any terrorist activities.
6.       It is now common knowledge, and I would like to confirm, that I intend to stand against Mr Museveni in the 2016 presidential elections. To this end, my team of brave and vigilant supporters have been traversing the country in a pre-marketing campaign as a prelude to my coming back to Uganda to register and launch my political platform officially. They have been doing this by word-of-mouth and by distribution of my political cards. They have not broken any law. However, the government has harassed many of my supporters, made arbitrary arrests, many have been beaten severely and a number have actually died.  The government has now come up with the ridiculous accusations of murder and terrorism to be linked to my name in the hope that this will threaten the population and prevent them from supporting me to oust Mr Museveni, come 2016.
7.       My pre-marketing campaign has been under the umbrella of the "Uganda Federal Democratic Organisation" as the proposed political platform. This platform is not a rebel group. This is a political platform and has no links whatsoever to the alleged Federal Alliance rebel group quoted by the government.
8.       According to my original schedule, I would have come to Uganda this month, February 2015 or next month March 2015, to officially launch my political platform. Hence the scramble and panic for the government to launch a pre-emptive attack in a bid to try to stop me from launching my political platform. However, I would like to assure all Ugandans that I am not threatened or scared by the government's machinations and I am prepared at all costs to lead the people of Uganda to freedom so that they can regain their dignity and their country.
Finally, I would like to convey my condolences to all the people that have lost their loved ones. In the end, and hopefully this will be soon, the perpetrators of these heinous crimes will have to answer for these atrocities.
God bless you all.
Dr Aggrey Kiyingi
(Prospective Presidential candidate for 2016)
Consultant Cardiologist and Chairman Uganda Federal Democratic organisation
Tel:       +61-448161170
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